Pure Dhamma – Sitemap

I have arranged the sections roughly in increasing complexity. However, you may want to scan through each section to get an idea of what is in each section. People have backgrounds at very different levels. Furthermore, even those who have been exposed to Buddhism for many years may not have a good understanding of the fundamentals.



Parinibbāna of Waharaka Thēro

Pure Dhamma Essays in Book Format

New / Revised Posts

Elephants in the Room

First Elephant:  “Elephant in the Room” – Direct Translation of the Tipiṭaka

Second Elephant: “Elephant in the Room 2 – Ānāpānasati

Third Elephant: “Elephant in the Room 3 – Ānāpānasati

Moral Living and Fundamentals

The Basics

Calming the Mind

Buddha Dhamma and Buddhism

Dhamma Concepts

Buddha Dhamma and Morality



Working Towards Good Rebirths


Living Dhamma (This section starts at a basic level and proceeds to deep levels)


Essential Buddhism

Living Dhamma – Overview

Dhamma with Less Pāli

Living Dhamma – Fundamentals


Mundane Sammā Samadhi


Transition to Noble Eightfold Path

Samādhi, Jhāna (Dhyāna), Magga Phala

Mental Body – Gandhabba


Nāma & Rūpa to Nāmarūpa

In this important subsection, we will discuss the link between mind (nāma) and matter (rūpa). These are deeper analyses. For simpler analyses, see, “The Five Aggregates (Pancakkhandha).”

Buddha Dhamma


User’s Guide to Pure Dhamma Website

Buddha Dhamma – A Scientific Approach

Buddhahood Associated Controversies

What is Buddha Dhamma?

Foundation of Dhamma

The Importance of Purifying the Mind

The Grand Unified Theory of Dhamma

Buddha Dhamma: Non-Perceivability and Self-Consistency

Saṃsāric Time Scale, Buddhist Cosmology, and the Big Bang Theory

Evidence for Rebirth


Power of the Human Mind


Transfer of Merits (Pattidāna) – How Does it Happen?

First Noble Truth is Suffering? Myths about Suffering

Vinaya – The Nature Likes to be in Equilibrium


Buddhist Chanting


Myths or Realities?


Also see, “Mystical Phenomena in Buddhism?” in the subsection, “Origin of Life
Also see, “Myths about Meditation” in the subsection, “Bhāvanā (Meditation)

Key Dhamma Concepts



Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta


Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta – Wrong Interpretations

The Way to Nibbāna – Transcription of a Discourse by Waharaka Thero

  • Anicca – True Meaning


  • Anattā – A Systematic Analysis


Anatta and Dukkha – True Meanings

Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta – According to Some Key Suttas

Three Marks of Existence – English Discourses

  • Sotāpanna Stage and Tilakkhana


Why are Tilakkhana not Included in 37 Factors of Enlightenment?

Two Versions of 37 Factors of Enlightenment

Types of Bodies in 31 Realms – Connection to Jhāna

Finest Manōmaya Kaya of an Arūpāvacara Brahma

Also see, “Root Cause of Anicca – Five Stages of a Sankata” that is in a different section.


Gati, Bhava, and Jāti


Sorting out Some Key Pāli Terms (Tanhā, Lobha, Dosa, Moha, etc)


The Five Aggregates (Pancakkhandha)


Deeper Analyses:


Paṭicca Samuppāda


Paṭicca Samuppāda – “Pati+ichcha”+”Sama+uppäda

Paṭicca Samuppāda – Overview

Subsection: Paṭicca Samuppāda, Tilakkhana, Four Noble Truths

Subsection: Sakkāya Diṭṭhi and Paṭicca Samuppāda

Subsection: Understanding the Terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda

How Are Paṭicca Samuppāda Cycles Initiated?

What Does “Paccaya” Mean in Paṭicca Samuppāda?

Imasmim Sati Idam Hoti – What Does It Really Mean?

Paṭicca Samuppāda in Plain English

 Paṭicca Samuppāda Cycles

Patthāna Dhamma

 Assāda, Ādīnava, Nissarana


Origin of Life


Views on Life


Bhāvanā (Meditation)


The numbered posts are to be read in that order. Even for those who are practicing Buddhists, I recommend starting at the Introduction (#1), and going down the list of topics at least the first time.

Important Related Posts


Sutta Interpretations


Sutta – Introduction

Pāli Dictionaries – Are They Reliable?

Nikāya in the Sutta Piṭaka

Sutta Learning Sequence for the Present Day

Mahā Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta

Maha Chattarisaka Sutta (Discourse on the Great Forty)

Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta

Anguttara NikāyaSuttā on Key Concepts

Na Cēta­nākara­nīya Sutta

Pathama Metta Sutta

Kukkuravatika Sutta (Majjhima Nikāya 57) – Kammakkhaya

Buddhism and Evolution – Aggañña Sutta (DN 27)

Tapussa Sutta (AN 9.41)– Akuppā Cētōvimutti

Yamaka Sutta (SN 22.85) – Arahanthood Is Not Annihilation but End of Suffering


Seeking Nibbāna



Sōtapanna Stage of Nibbāna


The first stage of Nibbāna — the Sōtapanna stage —  is also called the Stream Enterer in English and Sōvān in Sinhala.

Also, see the following posts in the Abhidhamma section for more details (these could be helpful even if you have not studied Abhidhamma):


Discussion Forum




Essential Abhidhamma – The Basics

Mind and Consciousness

Gandhabba (Manomaya Kaya)

Role of the Brain in Human Consciousness

Why Do People Enjoy Immoral Deeds? – Diṭṭhi Is Key

Key to Sotāpanna Stage – Diṭṭhi and Vicikicca

Deeper Analyses




Myths or Realities?


Tables and Summaries


Historical Background


Dhamma and Science

Subsection: Origin of Life (see above)

Consciousness – A Dhamma Perspective

Consistencies with Science

Inconsistencies with Science

1. We all are impressed by the scientific advances made during the past 100 years or so making our lives easier and more productive. I am actually a cheerleader for scientific and technological advances.

  • Physics had been my passion since high school days, and that changed when I started learning Buddha Dhamma several years ago. I still love and work on topics of interest in physics (and science in general). Fortunately, I am finding that those two interests are not mutually exclusive, and there is significant overlap. In fact, this section is the result of my two overlapping interests.

2. The following posts discuss cases where current theories of science are not consistent with Buddha Dhamma. I believe that science will recognize the primary nature of the mind in the future, and will discard the current notion that the mind (consciousness) arises  out of inert matter.

Neuroscience says there is no Free Will? – That is a Misinterpretation!

The Double Slit Experiment – Correlation between Mind and Matter?

Vision (Cakkhu Viññāṇa) is Not Just Seeing

3. Despite the advances in science and technology, there is much about the human mind that science does not understand, and has not even begun to understand. Western science is based on the five physical senses, leaving out the most important one, the mind.

  • At the present time, in 2016, scientists have the wrong view that consciousness originates in the brain.
  • All scientific theories relating to the mind are based on this wrong hypothesis. However, Buddha Dhamma says not only that mind is a sense of its own, but it is the most powerful of all six senses.

Here is a post from the Abhidhamma section that has a deeper analysis of the brain-mind connection:

Brain – Interface between Mind and Body


Quantum Mechanics and Dhamma

This section will discuss two issues:

  1. A new interpretation of quantum mechanics (QM) based on non-locality is presented based on Feynman’s ideas.  Concepts like wave-particle duality, observer effect, are not needed. Furthermore, complex interpretations like the “Many-Worlds interpretation” are avoided. All existing experimental data will be shown to be consistent with this interpretation.
  2. A deeper understanding of how kamma automatically lead to corresponding kamma vipāka in Buddhism (Buddha Dhamma), becomes clear with this interpretation.

Quantum Mechanics and Dhamma – Introduction

Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness

Quantum Mechanics – A New Interpretation

Basis of the Proposed Interpretation – Feynman’s Technique in QED


Dhamma and Philosophy



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