Tobias G

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  • in reply to: post on Kusala-Mula Paṭicca Samuppāda #33314
    Tobias G

    This is the Kusala Niddesa and only some of the maha kusala citta and the lokuttara kusala citta have the panna-link. The others don’t have it.

    “…Tattha katame kusalamūlā? Alobho, adoso, amoho—ime vuccanti “kusalamūlā”. …”

    There is the explanation for 4 maha kusala citta in kamavacara.
    The first includes all 3 good roots: alobho, adosa, amoho; with amoho as “Tattha katamo amoho? Yā paññā pajānanā … pe … amoho dhammavicayo sammādiṭṭhi— ayaṃ vuccati “amoho”..

    The second has only amoho, adoso.

    The third has also all 3 good roots with “Tattha katame kusalamūlā? Alobho, adoso, amoho—ime vuccanti “kusalamūlā”

    The fourth has only 2 good roots: alobho, adoso.

    All 4 are kusala citta even without amoho. In rupavacara and arupavacara kusala citta is also no deeper level of amoho mentioned.

    It seems to me that “kusala” here also refers to punna in general.

    Bhikku Bodhis Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma explains those kamavacara-kusalacittani as:
    “These eight types of consciousness are called wholesome (kusala) or meritious (punna) because they inhibit the defilements and produce good results. …”

    in reply to: post on Kusala-Mula Paṭicca Samuppāda #33289
    Tobias G

    What I do not understand is why are there kusala citta without the panna-link mentioned, e.g. rupavacara kusala citta or arupavacara kusala citta?

    …Tattha katame kusalamūlā? Alobho, adoso, amoho—ime vuccanti “kusalamūlā”. …

    Only some of the maha kusala citta and the lokuttara kusala citta have the panna-link.

    Maybe the akusala mula PS operates when the level of understanding is too low, thus avijja is present. In kusala mula PS “amoha” could mean a better level of understanding.

    in reply to: post on Kusala-Mula Paṭicca Samuppāda #33284
    Tobias G

    What I also see in the Kusalaniddesa of Vb 6 is what is needed for Nibbana: the lokuttara kusala citta. That is the citta with panna:

    “…Tattha katame kusalamūlā? Alobho, adoso, amoho.

    Tattha katamo alobho … pe … adoso … pe … amoho? Yā paññā pajānanā … pe … amoho dhammavicayo sammādiṭṭhi dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgo maggaṅgaṃ maggapariyāpannaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “amoho”. Ime vuccanti “kusalamūlā”. …”

    There are more kusala citta:
    maha kusala citta,
    rupavacara kusala citta,
    arupavacara kusala citta,
    but the link to panna is not shown. So we have kusala (or punnabhi) citta leading to good birth.

    PS: I just see there are more maha kusala citta explained, some of them have a link from amoho to panna (Tattha katamo amoho? Yā paññā pajānanā … pe … amoho dhammavicayo sammādiṭṭhi— ayaṃ vuccati “amoho”.).

    in reply to: post on Kusala-Mula Paṭicca Samuppāda #33282
    Tobias G

    I think this sentence is misleading: “… Therefore, a moral person who has not comprehended Tilakkhana, when they generate alobha/adosa/amoha would still have lobha/dosa/moha ‘on the side, not directly.” (P.S. We could say they are there as anusaya, not coming to the surface)”

    A normal person doing a good kamma will do it with the good roots. But this person still does not comprehend the Tilakkhana and thus avijja is present even in the good (punnabhi) sankhara. Avijja is not a cetasika. It is not knowing the truth and therefore the absents of pannindriya.

    in reply to: post on Kusala-Mula Paṭicca Samuppāda #33280
    Tobias G

    Agreed, then this has to be corrected: #2 in kusala mula PS
    “…One is born in the apāyā or dugati (and also subjected to suffering even when born in good realms) due to bad gati arising mainly due to lōbha, dōsa, mōha. The akusala-mula PS operates when actions, speech, and thoughts occur with these three root causes …”

    The akusala mula PS operates even with the good roots of alobha, adosa, amoha. As Paṭiccasamuppāda Vibhaṅga Vb 6 says:
    Tattha katame avijjāpaccayā saṅkhārā? Puññābhisaṅkhāro, apuññābhisaṅkhāro, āneñjābhisaṅkhāro, kāyasaṅkhāro, vacīsaṅkhāro, cittasaṅkhāro.”

    Thus the akusala mula PS operates with the six roots.
    If pannindriya cetasika is part of the citta the kusala mula PS operates.

    in reply to: post on Kusala-Mula Paṭicca Samuppāda #33276
    Tobias G

    That means the #6 in the post Cetasika (Mental Factors) needs to be written as: “There are 25 sobhana cetasika (beautiful mental factors) that appear only in punnabhi citta. …”

    A sobhana citta is not always kusala, but always punna.

    Tobias G

    What does “vinipatika” mean? The word “vinipāta” means “a place of suffering or bad falling” according to this dictionary:

    In which realm are vinipatika deva? Cannot find it in the table?

    in reply to: Remembering Past Lives in the Era of Buddha #32941
    Tobias G
    in reply to: post on dasa akusala #32757
    Tobias G

    Yes, agreed. But mano sankhara belong to vipaka citta and do not generate kamma. Dasa akusala means bad kamma. Thus the term mano sankhara is somehow misleading; the term “micca sankappa” is better (“wrong thoughts with intention”).

    Of course Paṭiccasamuppādavibhaṅga includes the 3 categories mano …, vaci…, kaya sankhara for the PS step “avijja paccaya sankhara”. One needs to know the context in which the term mano sankhara is used.

    in reply to: post on dasa akusala #32742
    Tobias G

    Is dasa akusala defined in the Tipitaka as immoral mano, vaci, kaya sankhara? When I see the post Dasa Akusala/Dasa Kusala – Basis of Buddha Dhamma -2 there is no term like this. Many sutta are mentioned there.

    Tobias G

    By the way: I do not get an email notification when you posted something.

    Tobias G

    What means paccavekkhana-ñana?

    Tobias G

    Really crazy to see these people in the videos how they recall the past events with accuracy. Got goose bumps.

    in reply to: Post on Anantara and Samanantara Paccayā #31824
    Tobias G

    All explanations regarding those 2 paccaya are on page 4-6.

    Can you look at the Pali version of Patthana 1.1.2 Paccayaniddesa? It should give a more clear view.

    Tobias G

    That is why you better write the sentence: “Pancupādānakkhandhā are based on past experiences we adhere to.”

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