Post on Anantara and Samanantara Paccayā

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Lal.
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    • #31821

      This post was by Tobias:

      Link to post “Anantara and Samanantara Paccayā

      I have a pdf about Paccayaniddesa, translated by from Pali to English by Agganyani.
      In this text the two paccaya anantara paccayo and samanantara paccayo are explained in a different way compared to the post above:

      4. Contiguity condition (anantara paccayo)

      Eye-consciousness-element and its associated phenomena are related to mind-element and
      associated phenomena by contiguity condition. Mind-element and its associated
      phenomena are related to mind-consciousness-element and its associated phenomena by
      contiguity condition.


      5. Immediacy condition (samanantara paccayo)

      Eye-consciousness-element and its associated phenomena are related to mind-element and
      its associated phenomena by immediacy condition. Mind-element and its associated
      phenomena are related to mind-consciousness-element and its associated phenomena by
      immediacy condition.

      Lal says: „..Thus, anantara (“an” + “antara”) means a kamma seed waiting to germinate. …“ and „…Thus samanantara (“sama” + “antara”) means “matching conditions” with the antara. …“

      Lal, can you explain why it is so much different?

      I can send this pdf to you.

    • #31822

      I have not read the pdf that you sent, Tobias. But you have quoted the definitions from there.

      The question is, what does the author mean by “contiguity condition” and “immediacy condition”?
      – Has the author explained them? If so, which pages?

      I have explained the two terms in more detail than you quoted in my post.
      – If someone can explain what is meant by the other definitions, I can look at it.
      – I cannot guess what someone means by those definitions.

    • #31824
      Tobias G

      All explanations regarding those 2 paccaya are on page 4-6.

      Can you look at the Pali version of Patthana 1.1.2 Paccayaniddesa? It should give a more clear view.

    • #31826

      This is a very deep subject, Tobias.

      I looked at the original Patthana Pakarana, which consists of three books in the Tipitaka.
      – The pdf file that you sent has only a few pages in comparison.

      There are 24 conditions (paccaya) in all.
      – I have described in simple terms several of those in the section, “Paṭṭhāna Dhamma

      It is a good idea to read the first post there, and also to get an idea of the most important “conditions” discussed in that section.
      – When I have time, I will describe other conditions as well.

      But this is a VERY DEEP subject. We can only get to the “surface level”.
      – This is why the Buddha told Ven. Ananda that Paticca Samuppada is a deep subject.

      In the pdf that you posted, the author just translates Pali text word-by-word. But if you have the link to the whole translation, you can post it just for the sake of completeness. I have not seen anyone else doing even a word-by-word translation.
      – I have not seen anyone who has provided an explanation (in simple terms) other than Waharaka Thero.
      – He has discussed those terms in simple terms in a couple of discourses, without going to details.
      – Such a simple description is enough to get the basic idea.

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