Reply To: Waharaka Thero English Subs Discourse


Today, I received an email from Janith Boniface Fernando. He is the person who had compiled the Waharaka Thero Discourses with English subtitles.

He has sent me the English and Sinhala text files for the three videos that he has published so far.
– I am posting the three videos in the correct order together with the pdf for his English translations.
– Of course, yesterday I posted my revised and expanded English text for the first video above. I will post the rest of my expanded translation for that first video above so that the complete text will be available there.
– Many merits to Janith Fernando for sharing with us these files.

First Video:

English and Sinhala text for the First Discourse

Second Video:

English and Sinhala text for the Second Discourse

Third Video:

English and Sinhala text for the Third Discourse

June 25, 2020
Fourth Video:


June 28, 2020
Fifth Video:

What is the ideal way to attain Nirvana leading a lay life – Part 05

July 11, 2020
Sixth Video:

What is the ideal way to attain Nirvana leading a lay life – Part 06

July 28, 2020
Seventh Video:

What is the ideal way to attain Nibbana leading a lay life – Part 07

Aug. 15, 2020
Eighth Video:

Septemeber 11, 2020 – Ninth Video

I have not received the text files for the last two.