New / Revised Posts

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New/Rewritten Posts:

Sensory Experience, Paṭicca Samuppāda, and pañcupādānakkhandha – 9/14/24 (in the “The Five Aggregates (Pañcakkhandha)” section)

Is Ānāpānasati Breath Meditation? – 9/7/24 (in the “Meditation – Deeper Aspects” section)

Citta, Manō, Viññāna – Nine Stages of Mind Contamination – 8/31/24 (in the “Meditation – Deeper Aspects” section)

Paṭicca Samuppāda – “Pati+ichcha” + “Sama+uppāda” – 8/23/24 (in the “Paṭicca Samuppāda” section)

Citta Evolving To Viññāna And Viññākkhanda In Nine Steps– 8/18/24 (in the “Dhamma with Less Pāli” section)

Introduction – What is Suffering? – 8/10/24 (in the “Paṭicca Samuppāda in Plain English” section)

Vedās Originated With Buddha Kassapa’s Teachings – 8/3/24 (in the “Myths or Realities?” section)

Four Conditions for Attaining Sōtapanna Magga/Phala – 7/27/24 (in the “Sōtapanna Stage of Nibbāna” section)

Āhāra – Food for the Mental Body – 7/20/24 (in the new “Meditation – Deeper Aspects” section)

Taṇhā – Result of Saññā Giving Rise to Mind-Made Vedanā – 7/13/24 (in the new “Meditation – Deeper Aspects” section)

Saññā Gives Rise to Most of the Vedanā We Experience – 7/6/24 (in the new “Meditation – Deeper Aspects” section)

Sakkāya Diṭṭhi – “Seeing the Unfruitful Nature of the World” – 6/29/24 (in the new “Meditation – Deeper Aspects” section)

Abhidhamma Piṭaka – Deeper Analyses of Concepts – 6/22/24 (in the new “Meditation – Deeper Aspects” section)

Mind Operates Like a Machine According to Nature’s Laws – 6/14/24 (in the new “Meditation – Deeper Aspects” section)

Pāramitā – How a Puthujjana Becomes a Buddha – 6/9/24 (in the “Myths or Realities?” section)

Loka Sutta – Origin and Cessation of the World – 6/1/24 (in the new “Meditation – Deeper Aspects” section)

Vipassanā – Buddhist Meditation – 5/25/24 (in the new “Meditation – Deeper Aspects” section)

“Jānato Passato” and Ājāniya – Critical Words to Remember – 5/18/24 (in the new “Buddha Dhamma – Advanced” section)

Ariya Jhāna and Anariya Jhāna – Main Differences – 5/11/24 (in the new “Buddha Dhamma – Advanced” section)

Sammā Samādhi – How to Define It? – 5/3/24 (in the new “Buddha Dhamma – Advanced” section)

Jhāna – Finer Details – 4/26/24 (in the new “Buddha Dhamma – Advanced” section)

Power of the Human Mind – Ariya Jhānā“ – 4/19/24 

Pāli Words – Writing and Pronunciation – 4/12/24 (in the new “Buddha Dhamma – Advanced” section)

Samādhi, Jhāna, and Sammā Samādhi – 3/28/24 (in the new “Buddha Dhamma – Advanced” section)

Pāli Suttās in Tipiṭaka – Direct Translations are Wrong – 3/20/24 (in the new “Buddha Dhamma – Advanced” section)

Ārammaṇa (Sensory Input) Initiates Critical Processes – 3/12/24 (in the new “Buddha Dhamma – Advanced” section)

Vipariṇāma – Two Meanings – 3/5/24 (in the new “Buddha Dhamma – Advanced” section)

Rupa and Rupakkhandha- Not External Objects – 2/27/24 (in the new “Buddha Dhamma – Advanced” section)

Kāma Rāga Dominates Rupa Rāga and Arupa Rāga – 2/13/24 (in the new “Buddha Dhamma – Advanced” section)

Anuseti – How Anusaya Grows with Saṅkhāra – 2/9/24 (in the new “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” section)

Kalahavivāda Sutta – Origin of Fights and Disputes – 2/2/24 (in the new “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” section)

Saññā Nidānā hi Papañca Saṅkhā – Immoral Thoughts Based on “Distorted Saññā” – 1/26/24 (in the new “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” section)

Kāma Guṇa – Origin of Attachment (Tanhā) – 1/19/24

Purāna and Nava Kamma – Sequence of Kamma Generation – 1/11/24 (in the new “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” section)

Distorted Saññā Arises in Every Adult but Not in a Newborn – 1/5/24 (in the new “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” section)

Kāma Rāga Arises Due to “Distorted Saññā” – 12/28/23 (in the new “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” section)

Vedanā (Feelings) Arise in Two Ways – 12/20/23 (in the new “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” section)

Fooled by Distorted Saññā (Sañjānāti) – Origin of Attachment (Taṇhā) – 12/12/23 (in the new “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” section)

Mūlapariyāya Sutta – The Root of All Things – 12/5/23 (in the new “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” section)

Pabhassara Citta and Saññā Vipallāsa – 11/25/23 (in the new “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” section)

Sotapanna Stage and Distorted/Defiled Saññā – 11/17/23 (in the new “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” section)

Upaya and Upādāna – Two Stages of Attachment – 11/11/23 (in the new “Sensory Experience – A Deeper Analysis” section)

Saññā – All Our Thoughts Arise With “Distorted Saññā” – 11/4/23 (in the new “Sensory Experience – A Deeper Analysis” section)

Saññā Vipallāsa – Distorted Perception  – 10/27/23 (in the “Does “Anatta” Refer to a “Self”?” section)

“Attato Samanupassati” – To View Something to be of Value – 10/20/23 (in the “Does “Anatta” Refer to a “Self”?” section)

“Attā” as “Self” – Wrong Translation in Many Suttās – 10/13/23 (in the “Does “Anatta” Refer to a “Self”?” section)

Etaṁ Mama, Esohamasmi, Eso Me Attā’ti – What Does It Mean? – 10/7/23 (in the “Does “Anatta” Refer to a “Self”?” section)

Dukkha – Previously Unknown Truth About Suffering – 9/30/23 (in the “Does “Anatta” Refer to a “Self”?” section)

Aniccaṁ Vipariṇāmi Aññathābhāvi – A Critical Verse – 9/22/23 (in the “Does “Anatta” Refer to a “Self”?” section)

Anicca Nature- Chasing Worldly Pleasures Is Pointless – 9/16/23 (in the “Does “Anatta” Refer to a “Self”?” section)

Cognition Modes – Sañjānāti, Vijānāti, Pajānāti, Abhijānāti – 9/9/23 (in the “Does “Anatta” Refer to a “Self”?” section)

Kāma Guna, Kāma, Kāma Rāga, Kāmaccandha – 9/2/23

Contamination of a Human Mind – Detailed Analysis (with chart B3) – 8/26/23

Contamination of the Human Mind Based on a Sensory Input (with chart B3) – 8/20/23

Each Citta Starts with Distorted Saññā (with chart B2) – 8/12/23

Uncovering the Suffering-Free (Pabhassara) Mind (with chart B1) – 8/5/23

True Happiness Is the Absence of Suffering – 7/29/23

What is Unique in Buddha Dhamma? – 7/22/23

Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta – Distortion Timeline – 7/10/23

Counterfeit Buddhism – Current Mainstream Buddhism – 6/30/23

Nāmarupa, Viññāṇa, Dhammā – Closely Related – 6/21/23

Upādāna Paccayā Bhava – Two Types of Bhava – 6/10/23

Phassa paccayā Vēdanā….to Tanhā – 6/3/23

Pāli Words – Writing and Pronunciation – 5/27/23 (with chart C)

Rupa, Dhammā (Appaṭigha Rupa) and Nāmagotta (Memories) – 5/20/23 (with chart #14)

Anuseti – How Anusaya Grows with Saṅkhāra – 5/13/23 (with chart #13)

Difference between Phassa and Samphassa – 5/7/23 (with new chart #12)

Salāyatana Are Not Sense Faculties – 5/1/23 (with new chart #11)

Nāmarupa – Different Types – 4/23/23

Nāmarupa in Idappaccayātā Paṭicca Samuppāda – 4/16/23 (with new chart #10)

Nāmarupa in Vipāka Viññāṇa – 4/9/23 (with new chart #9)

Kamma and Saṅkhāra, Cetanā and Sañcetanā – 4/2/23 (with new chart #8)

Saṅkhāra – An Introduction – 3/26/23 (with new chart #7)

Loka Sutta – Origin and Cessation of the World – 3/18/23 (with new chart #6)

Five Aggregates – Introduction – 3/9/23 (with new chart #5)

Essence of Buddhism – In the First Sutta – 3/3/23 (with new chart #4)

Evidence for Rebirth – 2/25/23 (with new chart #3)

Buddhism without Rebirth and Nibbāna? – 2/20/23 (with new chart #2)

Buddha Dhamma – Foundation – 2/16/23 (in the new section, “Buddhism – In Charts“)

Sutta Interpretation – Uddēsa, Niddēsa, Paṭiniddēsa – 2/9/23

Four Noble Truths: Recipe for Problem-Solving – 2/2/23

Saṅkhāra – An Introduction – 1/26/23

Breath Meditation Is Addictive and Harmful in the Long Run – 1/19/23

Ānāpānasati – Overview – 1/12/23

Difference Between Dhammā and Saṅkhāra – 1/6/23

Dhamma and Dhammā – Different but Related – 12/30/22

Dhamma – Different Meanings Depending on the Context – 12/23/22

Four Conditions for Attaining Sōtapanna Magga/Phala – 12/16/22

Is Buddha Dhamma (Buddhism) a Religion? – 12/8/22

Cuti-Paṭisandhi – An Abhidhamma Description – 12/2/22

Pāpa Kamma Versus Akusala Kamma – 11/25/22

Is Suffering the Same as the First Noble Truth on Suffering? – 11/18/22

What is Unique in Buddha Dhamma? – 11/11/22

Does Gandhabba Mean “Semen”? – 11/4/22

Mahārāhulovāda Sutta and Ānāpānasati – 10/28/22

How Habits are Formed and Broken – A Scientific View – 10/21/22

Icchā (Cravings) Lead to Upādāna and to Eventual Suffering – 10/14/22

Ānāpānasati Not About Breath – Icchānaṅgala Sutta – 10/7/22

Key Problems with Mahāyāna Teachings – 10/1/22

The Infinity Problem in Buddhism – 9/24/22

Sotapatti Aṅga – The Four Qualities of a Sotāpanna – 9/18/22

A Buddhist or a Bhauddhayā? – 9/12/2022

Bhūta and Yathābhūta – What Do They Really Mean – 9/7/2022

Interpretation of the Tipiṭaka – Gandhabba Example – 9/1/2022

Kilesa – Relationship to Akusala, Kusala, and Puñña Kamma – 8/27/2022 (in the section “Dhamma Concepts“)

Anusaya, Gati, Bhava – Connection to Manomaya Kāya (Gandhabba) – 8/21/2022 (in the section “Gati, Bhava, and Jāti“)

Cuti and Marana – Related to Bhava and Jāti – 8/17/22 (in the section “Gati, Bhava, and Jāti“)

Bhava and Jāti – States of Existence and Births Therein – 8/12/2022 (in the section “Gati, Bhava, and Jāti“)

Four Noble Truths: Recipe for Problem Solving – 8/6/22 (in the section “The Basics“)

Four Types of Births in Buddhism – 7/30/22 (in the section “Origin of Life“)

Details of Kamma – Intention, Who Is Affected, Kamma Patha – 7/24/22 (in the section “Dhamma Concepts“)

Three Types of “Bodies” – Poṭṭhapāda Sutta (DN 9) – 7/16/22 (in the section “Sutta Interpretations“)

Jhāna, Jhāya, and Jhāyi – Different Meanings – 6/23/22 (in the new section “Elephant in the Room 2 – Jhāna and Kasina

Samādhi, Jhāna, and Sammā Samādhi – 6/16/22 (in the new section “Elephant in the Room 2 – Jhāna and Kasina

Assāsa Passāsa – What Do They Mean? – 6/8/22 (in “Elephant in the Room 2 – Ānāpānasati

Ānāpānasati – Overview – 6/2/22 (in the new section “Elephant in the Room 2 – Ānāpānasati

Rāga and Jhāna – Two Commonly Misunderstood Words – 5/28/22 (in the new section “Often Mistranslated Pāli Keywords

Bhava and Jāti Within a Lifetime – Example – 5/22/22 (in the new section “Paṭicca Samuppāda During a Lifetime

Sakkāya Diṭṭhi and Pañcupādānakkhandhā – 5/15/22 (in the new section “Paṭicca Samuppāda During a Lifetime

Noble Truth of Suffering- Pañcupādānakkhandhā Dukkhā – 5/7/22 (in the new section “Paṭicca Samuppāda During a Lifetime

Pañcupādānakkhandha – Attachment to One’s Experiences – 5/1/22 (in the new section “Paṭicca Samuppāda During a Lifetime

Five Aggregates – Experiences of Each Sentient Being – 4/24/22 (in the new section “Paṭicca Samuppāda During a Lifetime

Rupakkhandha in Idappaccayātā Paṭicca Samuppāda – 4/16/22 (in the new section “Paṭicca Samuppāda During a Lifetime

Aggregate of Forms – Collection of “Mental Impressions” of Forms – 4/10/22 (in the new section “Paṭicca Samuppāda During a Lifetime

Seeing Is a Series of “Snapshots” – 4/3/22 (in the new section “Paṭicca Samuppāda During a Lifetime

Khandhā in Idappaccayātā Paṭicca Samuppāda – 3/28/22 (in the new section “Paṭicca Samuppāda During a Lifetime

Change of Mindset Due to an Ārammaṇa – 3/21/22 (in the new section “Paṭicca Samuppāda During a Lifetime

Idappaccayātā Paṭicca Samuppāda – Bhava and Jāti Within a Lifetime – 3/14/22 (in the new section “Paṭicca Samuppāda During a Lifetime

Niddesa (Brief Description) of Paṭicca Samuppāda – 3/7/22 (in the new section “Word-for-Word Translation of the Tipiṭaka

“Elephant in the Room” – Direct Translation of the Tipiṭaka – 2/28/22 (in the new section “Word-for-Word Translation of the Tipiṭaka

Where Are Memories Stored? – Viññāṇa Dhātu -2/21/22 (in the  “Understanding the Terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda” section)

Gandhabba (Mental Body) Separating from Physical Body in Jhāna -2/14/22 (in the  “Understanding the Terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda” section)

Near-Death Experiences (NDE): Brain Is Not the Mind -2/7/22 (in the  “Understanding the Terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda” section)

Critical Influence of Wrong Views on Akusala Citta -2/1/22 (in the  “Understanding the Terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda” section)

Anidassana, Appaṭigha Rupa Due to Anidassana Viññāṇa -1/23/22 (in the  “Understanding the Terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda” section)

Summary of Key Concepts About Viññāṇa and Saṅkhāra -1/16/22 (in the  “Understanding the Terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda” section)

Two Types of Kamma Viññāṇa -1/9/22 (in the  “Understanding the Terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda” section)

Abhisaṅkhāra Lead to Kamma Viññāṇa -1/3/22 (in the  “Understanding the Terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda” section)

Rebirths Take Place According to Abhisaṅkhāra -12/27/21 (in the  “Understanding the Terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda” section)

Kusala-Mula Saṅkhāra Are Needed to Attain Nibbāna -12/20/21 (in the  “Understanding the Terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda” section)

Kamma and Saṅkhāra, Cetanā and Sañcetanā -12/14/21 (in the  “Understanding the Terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda” section)

Saṅkhāra – Should Not be Translated as a Single Word -12/7/21 (in the  “Understanding the Terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda” section)