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Keymaster@upekkha100 said: “The “ultimate truth that is timeless”, is this referring to Nibbana? Is this a case of transcendent truth as opposed to mundane truth?”
There are two kinds of truth, 1. Conventional Truth (sammuti sacca), and 2. Absolute (or Ultimate) Truth.
In the suttas, the Buddha uses the language of common usage and refers to things as if they are real but do not exist in reality. Words such a “I” of “Self” or names of persons and things are used in the sense they are generally known to the people though their existence in an absolute sense are denied by the Buddha. Such statements are called Conventional Truths.
Abhidhamma teachings are worded in specific language and deal with things which possess an intrinsic nature and exist in absolute sense. Things which appear as objects in the living world are turned into phenomena in Abhidhamma. Hence Truths that deal with concepts that exist in reality in an ultimate sense eg. consciousness (citta), mental factors (cetasika). aggregates (khanda) are Ultimate or Absolute Truths (Paramattha Sacca).
In other words, the unchanging and indivisible nature of phenomena of all animate and inanimate things is called Absolute Truth.
There are four types of Ultimate Realities or Paramattha taught in Abhidhamma. They are:
1. Citta – consciousness – 01 (89/121 types)
2. Cetasika – mental factors – 52
3. Rupa – elements of matter – 28
4. Nibbana – the supreme happiness – 01Nibbana is the only unconditioned element; it is not caused by conditions. Hence Nibbana is called Asankhata Dhatu and it is permanent. The other three are caused by conditions. They are called Sankhata and subject to change and decay.
Keymaster@Akvan said: Is a Magga citta always followed by a phala citta?
Please read this Magga-vithi-citta article to understand the magga and phala citta in a change of lineage (gotrabhu) moment.
September 17, 2018 at 4:57 am in reply to: How I found out what is real "I" – personal experience #18392SengKiat
KeymasterAnicca Sanna is on 08Aug2018 below.
Ariya Nissaranaye Maga done by Vilas
Youtube weblink of Ariya Nissaranaye Maga:
1. May-09-2018-Dukkha-desana-Vilaskadival ACM24KHz32kbps
Audio only:
2. May-23-2018-Dukkha-desana-Vilaskadival ACM24KHz32kbps
What is Dukkha?
Audio only:
3. Jun-06-2018-Anatta-desana-Vilaskadival ACM24KHz32kbps
What is Anatta?
Audio only:
4. Jul-18-2018-Jati-desana-Vilaskadival ACM24KHz32kbps
What is Birth of a Condition or Jati?
Audio only:
Body, mind, four great elements and five agregates
Audio only:
Five agregates and contamination of thought
Audio only:
Anicca Sanna of Girimananda Sutta 1:08:04
Audio only:
Anatta Sanna of Girimananda Sutta 1:44:05
Audio only:
Asubha Sanna of Girimananda Sutta 1:26:38
Audio only:
Asubha Sanna of Girimananda Sutta 1:36:13
Audio only:
Girimananda Sutta – Asubha Sanna 1:13:07
07. Sep-05-2018-Asubha-Sanna-desana-Vilaskadival ACM24KHz32kbps
Audio only:
Girimananda Sutta – Adeenava Sanna 1:23:33
08. Sep-12-2018-Adinava-Sanna-desana-Vilaskadival ACM24KHz32kbps
KeymasterThere may not be any mention in the Tipitaka, but look at what was written 3 years ago:
Download a copy for keeping…
The Human Brain vs. Supercomputers… Which One Wins?or view at the webpage…
The Human Brain vs. Supercomputers… Which One Wins?In the above webpage, it is mentioned that:
“In contrast, our miraculous brains operate on the next order higher. Although it is impossible to precisely calculate, it is postulated that the human brain operates at 1 exaFLOP, which is equivalent to a billion billion calculations per second.”Much metta.
Keymaster@Student said: “I don’t know how to know about aniccha and anichche dukka sannas.”
You get to read all about anicca, dukkha and anatta at this section : Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta
With metta.
August 27, 2018 at 3:37 am in reply to: Can Some of the Universal Cetasikas Be Considered As Sankhara Kandha? #17977SengKiat
KeymasterPlease download a copy of The 52 Cetasikas at a Glance to understand what are all the cetasikas.
Vedana & Sanna together with Sankhara formed the 52 Cetasikas and thus Sankhara has 50 Cetasikas.
Read the following posts to have a better understanding about Pabhassara citta:
Pabhassara Citta, Radiant Mind, and Bhavanga
Citta, Manō, Viññāna – Stages of a Thought
Amazingly Fast Time Evolution of a Thought (Citta)
If you have understood what sankhara (san + kara = action done with san where san is the good and bad things we aquired) is, you will know that the pabhassara citta is not related to anicca or dukkha.
Only Arahant has pabhassara citta which means each thought (a citta) will only have the 3 stages from citta, mano and manasam only and no further than that of contamination.
KeymasterSigalovada Sutta – The Layman’s Code of Discipline
Download link: not able write in a clean way, using mobile phone for this posting.)
KeymasterIdha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo mettāsahagatena cetasā ekaṃ disaṃ pharitvā viharati, tathā dutiyaṃ tathā tatiyaṃ tathā catutthaṃ. Iti uddhamadho tiriyaṃ sabbadhi sabbattatāya sabbāvantaṃ lokaṃ mettāsahagatena cetasā vipulena mahaggatena appamāṇena averena abyāpajjena pharitvā viharati.
There is the case where an individual keeps pervading the first direction — as well as the second direction, the third, & the fourth — with an awareness imbued with good will. Thus he keeps pervading above, below, & all around, everywhere & in every respect the all-encompassing cosmos with an awareness imbued with good will: abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will.first direction — as well as the second direction, the third, & the fourth are the North, South, East and West directions.
Keymaster@Aniduan said: “I am having difficulty accepting the 31 realms theory i.e. Buddha’s world view.”
The 31 realms with our mundane mind might seen illusionary with the hell realm or the heaven realm (includes deva and brahma realms). In this human realm that we live in, we can experience what the hell realm are experincing when we are suffering pain (though may not be as worst as in niriya realm) and also the heaven realm when we experience happiness (as in deep state of meditation or just joyful sensure pleasure). As the saying goes “heaven and hell is in this world” as we experienced both.
To know more about 31 realms, reading this book “The Thirty-One Planes of Existence” by Venerable Bhante Suvanno and the article “The Thirty-One Planes of Existence” at “” helps.
June 21, 2018 at 8:18 am in reply to: Patisandhi Citta – How the Next Life is Determined According to Gathi #16550SengKiat
Keymaster@Tobias G said: “Do I understand it right, that in order to attain magga phala one needs a tihetuka cuti-patisandhi to the new human or deva bhava? How can a being in the apayas have tihetuka or dvihetuka patisandhi?”
Please download “Chart of citta with Function, Feeling and Roots (Updated 22June2018)” to see for yourself the patisandi function which beings will be reborn:
(1) in woeful realm with “Unwholesome Rootless citta” (akusala ahetuka),
(2) in human realm with deformity with “Wholesome Rootless citta” (kusala ahetuka),
(3) in human or deva realm with “2 or 3 wholesome root citta”,
(4) in fine-material realm with “3 wholesome root citta” and
(5) in immaterial realm with “3 wholesome root citta”.SengKiat
KeymasterLal finding for : ““uppado sankata lakkhanan, sankhara dukkhata; vayo sankata lakkhanan, viparinama dukkhata; titthassa sankata lakkhanan, dukkha dukkhata“.”
Found at this web page on this : “Yathā ariyasaccānaṃ1 nikkhepo, cattāri saccāni sādhāraṇāni asādhāraṇāni ca, yāni ca aṭṭhārasa padāni dukkhato satta padāni saṅkhepana kāyikena cetasikena dukkhena appiyasampayogena piyavippayogena ca tīhi ca saṅkhatatāhi 2 tattha tīṇi saṅkhatalakkhaṇāni tisso dukkhatā: uppādo saṅkatalakkhaṇaṃ, saṅkhāradukkhatāya dukkhatā ca vayo saṅkhata 4 lakkhaṇaṃ, vipariṇāmadukkhatāya dukkhatā ca 5 aññathattaṃ6 saṅkhakhatalakkhaṇaṃ, dukkhadukkhatāya 7 dukkhatā ca 8, imesaṃ tiṇṇaṃ saṅkhatalakkhaṇānaṃ tisu vedanābhūmīsu adukkhamasukhā vedanā, uppādo saṅkhatalakkhaṇaṃ, dukkhā vedanā dukkhadukkhatāya ca dukkhatā, iti imesu11 navapadesu paṭhamakesu sattasu padesu soḷasa padesu dukkhā pariyesitabbā, ekādasa dukkhatāya ca [PTS Page 082] [\q 82/] lakkhaṇaṃ niddese niddiṭṭhaṃ.”
Keymaster@Tobias G said: What are vinipatika realms?
Vinipātika,(adj.) [fr.vinipāta] destined to suffer in purgatory,liable to punishment after death.
Keymaster@Tobias G said: Ok, but what means “vacara”?
avacara means sphere or realm.
With metta.
Keymaster@Tobias G said: What is “rupavacara”?
Kāmāvacara is the sensuous sphere.
Rūpāvacara is the fine-material sphere or belonging to the world of form.
Arūpāvacara is the immaterial sphere or belonging to the world of formless.With metta.
KeymasterPlease see the 3 aspects of suffering. Dukkha-dukkha does not include kama raga or tanha.
With metta.