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KeymasterGreetings! @TripleGemStudent,
Just wondering what book is SengKiat quoting from?
The book’s title is Guide to the study of Theravada Buddhism – Book 2 on page 38.
With mettā, Seng Kiat
KeymasterGreetings! @Tobias G,
Natthi jhānaṁ apaññassa,
paññā natthi ajhāyato;
Yamhi jhānañca paññā ca,
sa ve nibbānasantike.This is my translation:
There is no jhāna for (those) without pañña,
pañña, there is not for (those) without jhāna,
Which ever indeed have jhāna and paññā,
that truly is near to Nibbāna.Translation from Tipiṭ
Verse 372: There can be no concentration in one who lacks wisdom; there can be no wisdom in one who lacks concentration. He who has concentration as well as wisdom is, indeed, close to Nibbana.With mettā, Seng Kiat
KeymasterGreetings! @TripleGemStudent,
It’s mentioned that any lay person who attained Arahanthood must ordain as a bhikkhu within 7 days.
The below text is in a book:
In the fifth year after Enlightenment, when the Buddha was residing in the (kutagara) Pinnacle Hall near Vesali, he heard that king Suddhodana was nearing death. He went to the death chamber and delivered a sermon. Having listened to it the king attained Arahantship. As he was too old, he did not join the order but enjoyed the bliss of Emancipation for seven days and passed away, (if a person attains the final stage of Sainthood that person cannot remain a lay person but either pass away or join the order).
This maybe the text which gives the idea that any lay person who attained Arahanthood must ordain as a bhikkhu within 7 days.
With mettā, Seng Kiat
KeymasterGreetings! To All Learning Pāli,
1. Pāli Platform program in Windows only, version: 1.0.1-BETA1
The PaliPlatform is a free tool (only for Windows) for the study of Pali and included from the Chaṭṭha Saṅgāyana CD under the Collection menu which includes the Tipitaka (Main – Sutta, Vinaya, and Abhidhamma), Aṭṭhakathā (Commentaries), Ṭikā (Subcommentaries), and Añña (Others).PaliPlatform download link: PaliPlatform is compressed in a zip format file, to use the PaliPlatform do the following:
1. Unzip the PaliPlatform file to a folder.
2. In the PaliPlatform folder, run the filename PaliPlatform.exe.
3. Enjoy PaliPlatform.2. Pāli pdf book (free) for new learners
Pāli for New Learners, Book 13. Tipiṭaka Pāḷi Projector using browser or program, version : 1.06
Tipiṭaka Pāḷi ProjectorWith mettā, Seng Kiat
KeymasterGreetings! @sptummala
could you please explain what does it mean in mahachattarika sutta that “this world does not exist”
In the MahāCattārīsaka Sutta (MN 117), the following Pāli verse is the Wrong Views:
Katamā ca, bhikkhave, micchādiṭṭhi?
‘Natthi dinnaṁ, natthi yiṭṭhaṁ, natthi hutaṁ, natthi sukatadukkaṭānaṁ kammānaṁ phalaṁ vipāko, natthi ayaṁ loko, natthi paro loko, natthi mātā, natthi pitā, natthi sattā opapātikā, natthi loke samaṇabrāhmaṇā sammaggatā sammāpaṭipannā ye imañca lokaṁ parañca lokaṁ sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā pavedentī’ti—ayaṁ, bhikkhave, micchādiṭṭhi.
“And what, bhikkhus, is wrong view?
‘There is nothing given, nothing offered, nothing sacrificed; no fruit or result of good and bad actions; no this world, no other world; no mother, no father; no beings who are reborn spontaneously; no good and virtuous recluses and brahmins in the world who have realised for themselves by direct knowledge and declare this world and the other world.’ This is wrong view.If this world does not exists, you would not be around to ask this question.
With mettā, Seng Kiat
Keymaster@vinh says :
brahma nimantanika sutra brahma talks about his domain
This should be the sutta “MN 49 Brahmanimantanika sutta” which @vinh inquires about “domain“.
If you attach to earth, you will lie close to me, in my domain, vulnerable and expendable.
Sace kho tvaṃ, bhikkhu, pathaviṃ ajjhosissasi, opasāyiko me bhavissasi vatthusāyiko, yathākāmakaraṇīyo bāhiteyyo.With mettā, SengKiat
KeymasterThis book “Syntax of the Cases in the Pāli Nikāyas” by O. H. de A. Wijesekera, M.A., Ph.D., Dipl. O.A.S. (Lond.) provides an in-depth appraisal of the usage and meaning of the nominals Case-Forms in the Nikāyas of:
1. The Nominative Case
2. The Accusative Case
3. The Instrumental Case
4. The Dative Case
5. The Ablative Case
6. The Genitive Case
7. The Locative CaseSengKiat
KeymasterGreetings! Lvalio,
Below are the links to Dharmayai Obai Sermons (English)2019-09-22 Dharmayai Obai Sermons (English)
Dharmayai Obai Sermons – English (From 2017-07-30) till Now
With mettā, SengKiat
KeymasterThanks @cubibobi on the “The links under the Mahā Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta section cannot be found:”
Have corrected the links under the “Mahā Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta section”.
With mettā, SengKiat
KeymasterTobias G asked: “Can you explain how to type these special letters for Tipitaka English, like the “a” with a line above?”
Please see the reply above just below your question.
KeymasterTo be able to type Pāli special character [āĀ īĪ ūŪ ḍḌ ḷḶ ṅṄ ñÑ ṇṆ ṃṂ ṁṀ ŋŊ ṭṬ], do the following:
1. Download Keyman Desktop
–› download page:
2. Install Keyman Desktop
3. Once Keyman Desktop is installed, look for the the installed Keyman Desktop at the Windows taskbar (bottom right, look for the inverted ‘v’ sign that is this sign “^” [which show hidden icons]), then click on it to show the application.
4. Once the Keyman Desktop is shown, click on “Configuration” to show its configuration.
5. At the bottom left of the “Keyman Desktop Configuration”, click on “Download keyboard…” which will bring up a page “Download Keyboard From”.
6. Choose a language by selecting from the Index: the letter “P”.
7. From the selected letter “P” page, select the word “Pali” which will then shows two keyboard option.
8. Select the keyboard “The Heidelberg Input Solution” by clicking on it.
9. Once it shows the “Downloads for your device” with the keyboard “The Heidelberg Input Solution for Windows”, click the button “Install keyboard” for the installation of the selected keyboard.
10. Once installed, go to the “Keyman Desktop Configuration” with “Keyboard Layouts”, deselect keyboards : Devanagari Uncode [DE], Devanagari Uncode [US], Devanagari Uncode [USint], and Transliteration [DE]. Leaving the Keyboards selected : Transliteration [US], and Transliteration [USint].
11. For usage that requires the typing of Pāli words, then select either the keyboard Transliteration [US] or Transliteration [USint].
When not using to type the Pāli word, select your usual keyboard (example English (United States) US keyboard).
12. Read this “Heidelberg Input Solution Keyboard Help” on how to enter those special character.With mettā, SengKiat
Keymaster@TripleGemStudent: The WebLink above for Discord is correct. If you are new to Discord, read this “Getting Started for Discord“. After reading the Getting Started, you should be able to setup an account and start using Discord.
KeymasterHere is what people who have studied Pali says about iti or ‘ti.
‘ti & iti clauses – Quotation, Speech & Thoughts
Verbs of saying, telling, asking, naming and also knowing & thinking, are usually indicated with ‘iti’; which gets abbreviated just to: ‘ti. The particle ‘ti signifies that the word or phrase preceding it should be placed in quotation marks. Although the particle marks the end of the quotation, only context can tell you where the quotation starts!
The quote phrase by no means is limited to words actually spoken! It may identify at attitude or thought and may represent a reason for something being done.
The verb related to the speech or thought (eg. ‘he said’) can be placed either before or after the quoted phrase and sometime even omitted.
It’s also important to note that particles such as ‘ti (and also ‘ca) are often merged to the end of nouns in which case they may affect the spelling of that word in two ways: an immediately preceding short vowel becomes lengthened (a->ā) and an ṃ changes to a nasal form of n, due to sandhi. So, when looking up words, these effects must be first reversed.
Also, when iti or ti, is followed by a vowel, sandhi takes place regularly, eg.:
evaṃ + ‘ti = evañti
kvaci + iti = kvacīti
iti + evaṃ = iccevaṃ;SengKiat
KeymasterFrom the Concise Pali-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera there are two meanings for gandhabba:
gandhabba :[m.] 1. a musician; a heavenly musician belonging to the demigods; 2. a being ready to take a new existence.SengKiat
KeymasterHere is a link where you are able to search the Tipitaka for the word.
Sorry, link with double “http://http://….” causing the error, corrected the above link.
The link above search for the word “hadaya”.
You can narrow down by clicking : Anya, or Tīkā or Aṭṭhakathā and/or Tipitaka (Mūla) as shown below the item found:
Anya (16)
Tīkā (14)
Aṭṭhakathā (6)
Tipitaka (Mūla) (1) -