Tobias G

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  • Tobias G

    What is with the disliked things? We also cling to anger and angry sankhara can start anytime we get the trigger presented.

    What is with the things we cling to with moha/avijja? For example some people kill a fly with a swat whenever they see a fly in the room. They do not hate the fly , but have the habit to kill this “useless and annoying thing”.

    in reply to: Post on Sakkāya Diṭṭhi – “Me and Mine” View #31267
    Tobias G

    I think #11 is still wrong in the post Āsava, Anusaya, and Gati (Gathi).

    “The seven types of anusaya can give rise to four types of āsava.

    Ditthānusaya and vicikiccānusaya arise from ditthāsava.
    Kāmarāgaanusaya and paṭighanusaya arise from kamāsava.
    Bhvarāganusaya arises from bhavāsava.
    Avijjānusaya and mānanusaya arise from avijjāsava.
    One cannot REMOVE the other three āsava until one removes ditthāsava at the Sōtapanna stage.”

    The first sentence is correct, but then follows “…anusaya arise from … asava”, which is wrong. Correct is: Asava arise from anusaya.

    Tobias G

    The sutta SN 56.35 says in the english translation: 100 spears and 3 times a day. That makes 300 spears a day.

    in reply to: Cetasika #29618
    Tobias G

    Thank you, Lal!

    How can we understand ditthi cetasika? I thought ditthi is a concept word (not ultimate reality), that means “how someone sees the world”. But as asobhana cetasika it colors the citta in a certain way and it is part of the ultimate reality. Can I interpret: “with that ditthi-color one cannot correctly see the world”?

    in reply to: Post On Difference Between Rūpa and Rūpakkhandha #29347
    Tobias G

    Namarupa are generated via PS. But they are rupa, thus they belong to rupakkhandha, correct? Of course all we have experienced in our lifes also belongs to rupakkhandha. In the case of namarupa they come back to the mind as vipaka vinnana. Based on that experience we can add more vinnana and generate stronger nama rupa (again via PS).

    in reply to: post on 37 Factors of Enlightenment #27451
    Tobias G

    But in the text you write the 37 factors are cetasika. That should be corrected, too.

    in reply to: Clarification about the 31 realms #27255
    Tobias G

    Regarding the second question (Nibbana) my answer: Existence in all realms is based on bondage to rupa. Nibbana follows if one cuts off the bondage to rupa. Thus Nibbana is not another realm.

    in reply to: post on Vinnana, Thoughts, and the Subconscious #27225
    Tobias G

    Can you explain how to type these special letters for Tipitaka English, like the “a” with a line above?

    in reply to: post on Boy Who Remembered Pāli Suttas for 1500 Years #26748
    Tobias G

    Are stupas closed chambers so that no human can go inside?

    Tobias G

    Is there a PS sequence for functional behavior (kriya)?
    e.g. at work I have to think and take decisions. That also requires sankhara, vinnana, namarupa (visuals, concepts), phassa, vedana, neutral tanha, neutral upadana …leading to occupational bhava…jati..
    Thus ingredients of a PS cycle are involved.

    in reply to: Post on “31 Realms of Existence” #25967
    Tobias G

    What is the cause for birth in the asanna realm?

    in reply to: Topic for inconsistencies on the site #25966
    Tobias G

    I was searching trough the posts but cannot find the passages. So I explain it here.
    It is said several times here on the website that a gandhabba is under stress while staying in paralowa. On the other side I remember a doctor who was out of his physical body for some days (coma). He came to a “good location” in paralowa with a “partner” (which was actually his sister, as he found out later). So here we can see that it is not necessarily a stressful stay in paralowa. Also it can be that gandhabbas go into a dream like state which feels timeless. All together I would not say that gandhabbas are really stressed while in paralowa.

    in reply to: Post on “31 Realms of Existence” #25965
    Tobias G

    I still search for the 8. Which 8?

    in reply to: Post on Kamma are Done with Sankhāra – Types of Sankhāra #25740
    Tobias G

    Non, that is the problem. How can a punna kamma be done with avijja which is lower level moha (that is a cetasika)?

    in reply to: Post on Kamma are Done with Sankhāra – Types of Sankhāra #25736
    Tobias G

    That is clear, but not in terms of Abhidhamma and cetasika. Punnabhisankhara should not contain asobhana cetasika.

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