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Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantTwo more additions to my comment (# 51162) above :
(5) Sincerely practicing the “Metta Bhavana” is also a powerful way to pay off many of our kammic debts. When done in a correct way it can also produce miraculous healings in one’s mind and body. But before doing Metta Bhavana it is beneficial to start with asking forgiveness from all sentient beings for your wrongdoings AND expressing your gratitude to all sentient beings for any help you have received in any form (starting from your parents, relatives, teachers, friends, and everyone) in this beginningless Sansaric journey.
NOTE – The “Metta Bhavana” has two versions… “Anariya Metta Bhavana” and “Ariya Metta Bhavana”.
While the Anariya version can be done by anyone but the Ariya Metta Bhavana can be done ONLY by Ariyas (i.e, only after attaining the Sotapanna Stage).
(6) Providing the four requisites (food, medicine, robes, shelter) to the Maha Sangha is also an excellent way to generate meritorious energies which can help us overcome difficult situations. Lord Buddha said that we should not be afraid of doing merits.
A Sutta comes to my mind which is also chanted as Paritta. It is the Mettanisamsa Sutta :
Thus have I heard:
On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Savatthi at Jetavana at Anathapindika’s monastery. Then he addressed the monks saying, “Monks.” — “Venerable Sir,” said the monks, by way of reply. The Blessed One then spoke as follows:
“Monks, eleven advantages are to be expected from the release (deliverance) of heart by familiarizing oneself with thoughts of loving-kindness (metta), by the cultivation of loving-kindness, by constantly increasing these thoughts, by regarding loving-kindness as a vehicle (of expression), and also as something to be treasured, by living in conformity with these thoughts, by putting these ideas into practice, and by establishing them. What are the eleven?
1. “He sleeps in comfort.
2. He awakes in comfort.
3. He sees no evil dreams.
4. He is dear to human beings.
5. He is dear to non-human beings.
6. Devas (gods) protect him.
7. Fire, poison, and sword cannot touch him.
8. His mind can concentrate quickly.
9. His countenance is serene.
10. He dies without being confused in mind.
11. If he fails to attain arahantship (the highest sanctity) here and now, he will be reborn in the brahma-world.
“These eleven advantages, monks, are to be expected from the release of heart by familiarizing oneself with thoughts of loving-kindness, by cultivation of loving-kindness, by constantly increasing these thoughts, by regarding loving-kindness as a vehicle (of expression), and also as something to be treasured, by living in conformity with these thoughts, by putting these ideas into practice and by establishing them.”
So said the Blessed One. Those monks rejoiced at the words of the Blessed One.
May all sentient beings achieve the highest Peace, the ending of all sufferings, the Supreme Nibbana !!!
Theruwan Saranai !!!
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Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantI pay my respects to Lal Sir for his efforts on I am really grateful for his explanations on the deeper and hidden meanings of Dhamma.Although I don’t follow this website anymore, but Gad told me that the forum member “y not” is suffering from cancer. So I thought of giving my Dhamma support to “y not” since he is one the earliest forum members. I remember him because I am also one of the earliest member of this forum.
Cancer is due to one’s own kamma vipaka. At Lord Buddha’s time also, many Bhikkhus suffered from several diseases due to their kamma vipaka. Even Lord Buddha himself suffered from some ailments in his old age. But it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do anything. We SHOULD take all the medications and do the required treatments. Even Lord Buddha took medicines from the famous doctor (Jivaka). But at the same time we must continuously contemplate on the Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta nature of this body (as well as everything in this world of 31 realms).
I remember that Mr. “y not” commented somewhere that he has “avecca pasada” in the Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha. It shows that he has progressed in the path very well! Credits to Mr. “y not” for his progress in the Dhamma inspite of being from a non Buddhist background (living in the West). Well done Sir!
It is extremely rare for a Samma Sambuddha to arise in this world, it is even rarer to LISTEN to Buddha Dhamma (not everyone has the merits to LISTEN to the REAL Dhamma) and it is even rarer to CORRECTLY REALISE the Dhamma and attain magga phala.
To alleviate your pain, here are some of my suggestions:
(1) Take coloured print-out of the following serene and peaceful Buddha images (please see references at the end). While closely watching these images, contemplate on the Supreme and Infinite Qualities of Lord Buddha.
(2) Listen to the Paritta chanting by most Ven. Waharaka Thero as much as possible. There are hidden benefits in LISTENING to the paritta chantings from a Noble person (Ariya).
(3) Listen to the “Patibhana Kavya” (powerful verses created by most Ven. Waharaka Thero in his Ariya Samadhi). Don’t worry if you can’t understand the meanings of the verses. Even if you faithfully LISTEN to these verses then soon you can experience the Niramisa Sukha and can also get into Samadhi !
(4) LISTEN to the sermons of most Ven. Waharaka Thero and constantly CONTEMPLATE on the Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta nature of this world of 31 realms.
If you follow these four suggestions mentioned above, then I am sure that you will experience immediate effects. I hope your pain and sufferings would be relieved and you would move closer and closer to the Ultimate ending of ALL sufferings (Nibbana)!
I remember the story of Arahant Angulimala. After becoming an Arahant, while going on alms round he saw a woman crying in the labor pain of childbirth. He immediately went to Lord Buddha and asked what could he do to relieve the pain of that woman. Then Lord Buddha told him to go to that woman and chant a verse (which came to be known as Angulimala Paritta). As soon as Ven. Angulimala chanted that verse in front of that woman, her pain disappeared immediately! There are several other incidents of such “miraculous healings” at the time of Lord Buddha. Even most Ven. Waharaka Thero did many miraculous healings when he was alive.
These incidents clearly show the importance of LISTENING to Ariyas in the presence of them! When the lineage of Ariyas are gone, then no matter how many books or websites one reads or even listen to the recorded sermons, one can not attain any magga phala. That’s why Ariyas are so important! Lord Buddha said to Ven. Ananda that the Buddha Saasana would depend 100% on Kalana mittas (Ariyas who have attained magga phala).
So dear Dhamma friends, don’t just sit in front of your laptop or mobile phones browsing and reading…. Go and meet Noble Persons (Ariyas), pay respect to them, do more and more merits, LISTEN to their sermons and CONTEMPLATE…. That’s all I can say. And the rest depends on the level of your spiritual faculties (saddha, viriya, sati, samadhi, panna).
As for me, I am on the Bodhisatta path. By the power of my merits, may all these merits support me in achieving Buddhahood in the future.
Theruwan Saranai !!!
(1) Buddha paintings
(3) Patibhana Kavya
(4) Sermons of most Ven. Waharaka Thero (English translations)
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Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantThe place of Enlightenment of the Bodhisatta (under the Maha Bodhi tree) is the real place where the Samma Sambuddha was “born”. That is the place where the transformation from a Bodhisatta to a Samma Sambuddha actually happened. So in that sense, Lord Buddha was “born” at the foot of the Maha Bodhi tree.
Lord Buddhas are not “born” everywhere. There is a special place for it where all the factors are perfect for a Bodhisatta to become a Samma Sambuddha. That special place is located only in our cakkavala among the dasa sahassi lokadhatu (ten thousand world systems). That special place is located on Jambudipa (i.e, our Earth) in the madhya deshaya (middle country).
That special place in called the madhya mandala (middle region) or the Bodhi mandala. This is where the real Maha Bodhi tree was born spontaneously due to the power of the Bodhisttva’s Paramithas. It’s in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka and the Maha Bodhi tree is known as Jaya Sri Maha Bodhiya (I am sorry to say but it’s NOT in Bodh gaya, India).
Not only our Bodhisatta, but all Bodhisattvas attains Buddhahood AT THAT SAME PLACE. For example, when the present Buddha Sasana will be over, this Maha Bodhi tree will disappear on its own. And when the Maitreya Bodhisattva is about to come to the human realm, a new Maha Bodhi tree will appear spontaneously AT THAT SAME PLACE (in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka). He will also attain Buddhahood at that place only.
The Maha Bodhi tree and the relics of Lord Buddha are very very special. They are created from pure Buddha Energy and CAN NOT be destroyed by anyone or anything in the entire existence! (After the end of the Buddha Sasana, they will vanish automatically)
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Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantExcellent explanations dear Dhamma friend.
Sadu Sadu Sadu 🙏🙏🙏
March 25, 2024 at 2:21 pm in reply to: Discussion on “Cultivating Jhāna and Magga Phala – What Is the Difference?” #48731Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantJhanas are the mental states (consciousness) of brahma realms.
When a person willfully avoids akusala kamma and stays away from kama assada for a prolong period of time, he/she naturally gets to anariya jhanas (vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi…).
We can get to jhanas by cultivating brahma viharas (metta, mudita, karuna, upekkha).
Jhanas can also be achieved by focusing one’s mind on a suitable object like breath/kasina/mantras/image of a god, etc. That is Samatha meditation.
However, just getting to jhanas will not get one to Nibbana because the anusayas (mental fermentations) are only suppressed (in anariya jhanas), they are not removed. The anusayas and sanyojanas can be removed only by cultivating wisdom (panna) of Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta/Paticca Samuppada/Four Noble Truths.
Anariya yogis believed (and still believe) that they can get to Nibbana by avoiding akusala kamma and staying away from kama assada (sense pleasures). This is known as “silabbata paramasa”. This wrong view is broken at the Sotapanna stage.
But getting to jhanas is not bad. It’s a very good gati. Our Bodhisatta naturally got to jhana when he was just a seven year old boy sitting under the shade of a tree. It was due to his gati from past lives.
There are three main purposes of cultivating jhanas:
(1) It is used to gain various nanas like pubbenivasanussati nana (knowledge of past lives), cutupapada nana (knowledge of births in other realms), etc…
(2) It is used to gain iddhi powers, for doing many supernatural feats which is beyond our limited human capacity. Lord Buddha performed many supernatural miracles at various occasions to generate faith in the minds of people towards the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha.
(3) It is used for generating blissful feelings/sensations. When Lord Buddha was suffering from physical ailments in his old age, He overcame those painful feelings by abiding in the jhanas.
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Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantThanks dear Dhamma friend Gad. I appreciate your comments.
Yes, there are stories where many great disciples of this Buddha Saasana have successfully avoided the apayas for many maha kappas. By the immense power of their merits they were continuously born in sugati worlds (human/deva/brahma) one after the other and eventually attained Nibbana in this dispensation of Lord Buddha Gotama. That’s the power of the Paramithas!
So we should not be discouraged ever. If our dedication and efforts are sincere and truthful, then we will reach our goal (Nibbana) sooner or later.
Theruwan Saranai.
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February 17, 2024 at 2:04 pm in reply to: Information about Online Dhamma discussion with Waharaka Thero’ disciple #48310Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantExcellent. Thank you so much for sharing.
Sadu Sadu Sadu 🙏🙏🙏
February 6, 2024 at 12:42 pm in reply to: Jethavanarama Buddhist Monastery – English Discourses #48187Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantI have compiled some videos of Jethavanarama Buddhist Monastery, Sri Lanka.
You can share this link with all your Dhamma friends.
Here is the google drive folder link:
Jethavanarama Viharaya, Sri Lanka
May all sentient beings attain the Supreme bliss of Nibbana!!!
Sadu Sadu Sadu 🙏🙏🙏
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Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantThanks dear Dhamma friend Gad for your humble gesture. I really appreciate your open mindedness! You have a rare quality which is not easily found in today’s generation people. Sadhu Sadhu 🙏
Let us not get entangled in “viewpoints”. We can have different perspectives or viewpoints but our Ultimate goal is Nibbana (i.e., removal of Raga, Dosa, Moha from our minds). So let’s work together and help each other to move in that direction.
Let’s set aside our big “ego” and conceit and focus on our efforts towards Nibbana.
And thank you so much for your best wishes. Yes, my aspiration is same as that of ascetic Sumedha (to become a Samma Sambuddha in the future).
May the blessings of the Noble Triple Gem be with you dear friend.
May all sentient beings realise the Supreme Bliss of Nibbana 🙏🙏🙏
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Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantYes, that’s correct. Thanks for sharing the link!
Theruwan Saranayai.
Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantEveryone has their own level of understanding.
I can give more explanations but I don’t want to get involved in debates and arguments. This is why I refrain from posting comments on the forum.
If you agree with the explanation then okay, if you disagree then also its fine.
Ultimately, the final destination is Nibbana anyway.
So rather than getting into debates and arguments we should focus on removing Raga, Dosa, Moha from our minds (by developing the 37 factors of Enlightenment).
Theruwan Saranai.
Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantDear friend Gad, thanks for the essay. However, I disagree with what you highlighted in red.
Here is my understanding:
When Sahampati Brahma made the request of teaching the Dhamma to Lord Buddha, then the Omniscient One surveyed the world with his “Buddha cakkhus” (supernatural eyes of a Samma Sambuddha). After surveying, Lord Buddha saw different types of beings in the sugati (humans, devas, brahmas).
They can be compared to four kinds of lotuses:
(1) The lotuses which are above the water and will bloom forth that very day.
(2) The lotuses which are at the surface of the water and will bloom forth after few days.
(3) The lotuses which are submerged in water and will bloom forth after many days or months.
(4) The lotuses which will not bloom, as they are diseased and will become food for fishes and tortoises.
(1) refers to “Ugghatitannu puggalas” who have higher levels of spiritual faculties (indriyas) – Saddha, Viriya, Sati, Samadhi, Panna, and CAN realise the Dhamma even if taught in a brief verse by a Noble Person.
(2) refers to “Vipancitannu puggalas” who have intermediate levels of Saddha, Viriya, Sati, Samadhi, Panna faculties and CAN realise the Dhamma if taught and explained in detail by a Noble Person.
(3) refers to “Neyya puggalas” who have lower levels of Saddha, Viriya, Sati, Samadhi, Panna faculties and CAN realise the Dhamma if they are explained in detail by a Noble Person (after developing and training their minds for weeks, months or years).
(4) refers to “Padaparama puggalas” who have very low levels of Saddha, Viriya, Sati, Samadhi, Panna faculties and CAN NOT realise the Dhamma no matter how much they are taught and explained.
Category (1), (2), (3) are the beings with “tihetuka patisandhi” (born with the three roots of alobha, adosa, amoha).
Category (4) are the beings with “dvihetuka patisandhi” and “ahetuka patisandhi”. Hence they CAN NOT attain magga phala in this bhava (but they CAN accumulate merits for getting the “hetu”/causes for attaining magga phala in future lives).
Now coming to the Bodhisattvas, Paccekabodhisattvas, and the future great disciples of Lord Buddha. They have different levels of five spiritual faculties (Saddha, Viriya, Sati, Samadhi, Panna) depending on their journey/stages. If they are in the initial or intermediate stages, they have low or intermediate levels of Saddha, Viriya, Sati, Samadhi, Panna respectively. If they are in advanced or mature stages, they have high levels of Saddha, Viriya, Sati, Samadhi, Panna.
Bodhisattvas are special beings, they CAN NOT be put in the category of “padaparama puggalas” (4).
It is mentioned in Buddhavamsa (Khuddaka Nikaya) that at the time of Lord Buddha Dipankara, our Bodhisattva was born as an ascetic (yogi) named Sumedha. He had mastered all the rupa jhanas and arupa samapattis and had also developed abhinna powers.
He already had high levels of Saddha, Viriya, Sati, Samadhi, Panna… so much so that he could become an Arahant just by listening to a few verses of Dhamma (if he wished to apply his mind in that direction). But his aspiration was to become a future Samma Sambuddha. So even though he had the “hetu” to attain magga phala, but he could not attain magga phala even if he listened to Dhamma. This is because his aspirations (kammic energy of Bodhisattva) is preventing/blocking him from attaining magga phala.
I hope you understand the difference.
Here is an artistic image of ascetic Sumedha paying homage to the Lord Buddha Dipankara and the Maha Sangha.
Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantMr. Tobias Sir asked “Can you please say where the Buddha states that there are uncountable numbers of cakkavalas? “
In the Buddhavamsa (Khuddaka Nikaya), it is mentioned that:
“There are these 4 incalculables (immeasurables) of which the extent can not be known:
(1) The aggregation of sentient beings (number of sentient beings)
(2) The extent of space
(3) The infinite world systems (cakkavalas)
(4) The knowledge of a Samma Sambuddha
It is impossible to ascertain these four incalculables.”
Many people try to compare “Science” with Lord Buddha’s Dhamma. However, Science or Scientists CAN NEVER EVER come even close to the knowledge of a Samma Sambuddha, no matter how advance “Science” gets. Science has its limitations because the very foundation of science is based on matter. Many people believe that a Lord Buddha is just another religion’s founder or a great philosopher, or a great Scientist etc. But they have NO IDEA of who a Samma Sambuddha really is. They have NO IDEA about the paramithas (perfections) and the infinite qualities of a Samma Sambuddha.
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January 22, 2024 at 10:38 am in reply to: Jethavanarama Buddhist Monastery – English Discourses #47918Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantSadu Sadu Sadu 🙏🙏🙏
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January 22, 2024 at 8:43 am in reply to: Jethavanarama Buddhist Monastery – English Discourses #47905Sammasambodhi Gami
ParticipantI would like to share this video of Jethavanarama Buddhist Monastery (Sri Lanka).
I hope everyone watching this video will rejoice and get “citta pasada” (joy/happiness) which will act as a catalyst in their path to Nibbana!
My point of this post is: Come out of your room, leave your laptop screen, and be among the Bhikkhus/Bhikkhunis, Anagariks/Anagarikas, Upasaks/Upasikas… join the company of Noble friends… be in the presence of the Maha Sangha… experience the environment of the Buddhist Monastery… live your life around those people who have dedicated their entire lives for Nibbana.
You will experience the difference yourself! It’s all about causes and conditions.
Here is the video clip: Welcome to Jethavanarama Buddhist Monastery, Sri Lanka!
Credit goes to
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