A heartfelt greetings to everyone !
“Nibbana exists, but not in this world”
As I understand this, everything in this world of “31 realms” is a “Sankata”.
In other words, everything in this world of “31 realms” arises due to causes (and conditions), exists for some time (variable) and eventually comes to extinction. There are 6 ROOT CAUSES which gives rise to everything (sankata) in this world of 31 realms –
(i) lobha
(ii) dosa
(iii) moha
(iv) alobha
(v) adosa
(vi) amoha
Another (most) important fact about any Sankata is its “Viparinama” nature. It changes unexpectedly during its course (hence Aniccha). Therefore everything in this world of 31 relams has the “THREE CHARACTERISTICS”.
On the other hand, Nibbana is NOT “Sankata”. Nibbana is the only Asankata.
So Nibbana does not has a cause ! Hence Nibbana does not belong to the world of 31 realms.
Nibbana (asankata) is attained by removing all the root causes of lobha,dosa,moha,alobha,adosa,amoha (by eliminating asavas and anusayas).
Nibbana does NOT has the “Viparinama” nature. Hence it has the opposite three characteristics of “niccha”, “sukkha”, “atta”.
Hope this helps
May all beings attain Nibbana !!!