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ParticipantThe link for Prince Nanda’s, story is from the Udana section..
There was a nice sutta from Sariputta, the full sutta is very intresting to read.. There should be at least a single act of kindness you can recall, from even the worst of people. E.g. they can buying u a coffee,or meal, etc. I know it a very hard thing to do, but u can reflect on the good side.
Ven. Sariputta said: “There are these five ways of subduing hatred by which, when hatred arises in a monk, he should wipe it out completely. Which five?
“There is the case where some people are impure in their bodily behavior but pure in their verbal behavior. Hatred for a person of this sort should be subdued.
“There is the case where some people are impure in their verbal behavior but pure in their bodily behavior. Hatred for a person of this sort should also be subdued.
“There is the case where some people are impure in their bodily behavior & verbal behavior, but who periodically experience mental clarity & calm. Hatred for a person of this sort should also be subdued.
“There is the case where some people are impure in their bodily behavior & verbal behavior, and who do not periodically experience mental clarity & calm. Hatred for a person of this sort should also be subdued.
“There is the case where some people are pure in their bodily behavior & their verbal behavior, and who periodically experience mental clarity & calm. Hatred for a person of this sort should also be subdued.
ParticipantHi.. There is a big difference between Dukkha feeling and the truth about it. That’s Dukkha ariya saccha.. and it is only visible via the Panna cetasika. It is essential we factor is the paticca samaupada when we are doing the anicca contemplation.. we are always slaves to asvada,because of that the suffering is hidden, will only be visible once you hear the noble truth. you will have to look at the draw backs of chasing after a mirage. Got e.g is the fish and bait, there wasnt anything more harmful for the fish, than the tiny bait.. There should be plenty of post on this site, so I’ll cut it short.
ParticipantThanks for your refreshing thoughts you both. I feel I am mostly there, but there are situations I feel there is friction, it’s only when if your attached to someone, and you feel compassion to urge them to them to the path at your pace. Which is unfair for them in a sense, everybody has there own pace. Regardless our true enemies should be our own raga desha moha, that harms us more than anything and that’s our biggest battle, and can always chance to conquer.
ParticipantSadu Sadu sadu..
ParticipantThanks Lal. That summarises most of it. I also came across a deshana, if i have understood that correctly it mentioned, when we commit an abisanakara, from what you’ve explained above, the energy or hetu that gets accumulates in the kamma bhava will being results or pala when the right conditions are met. These energy give rise to constant Sans Karana- sinhala word or sakas weema, that produces the Sankatha nature.. That sankara refers to the non living side.. That will complete the full Sabbe Sankara picture. Hope I’ve explained this correctly, from what I grasped.
Theruwan Sarani -