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ParticipantOk thanks. Need not to answer my question.
ParticipantIf sanna is personal then how can two gandhabba understsnd each others personal sanna. Thats what my confusion whenbi ask how buddha could retrive past sanna particcularly name and clan. It can be am nknown language in past life.
Is it like panca khanda is not part of gandhabba. But out there somewhere in vinnana dhatu/ akashic record. And only Brain can access it to read/write?
Can gandhbba in para loka have access to pancakhanda and can read/write in it.
After the death of an arhant. What happens to pancakhanda. Can some other living arant ve able to read that with abhinna?
ParticipantI have read lots of post on this site. And all post you guys are refering are read many time. And still not getting. Any way i rest my case here.i conclude that its beyond my capacity to understand.
I will read and try to ask question from your posts then.
You said brain transmits sanna to gandhabba. So is it that brain has direct access to panchakhanda. And from there it retrives sanna. Why gandhabba can not do that.
Is it that gandhabba has no access to psnca khadha.
Is it that brain records momment by momment data to rupakhanda also.?
ParticipantYes I am reading all the pages under section five-aggregates-pancakkhandha
For simplicity replace orange with table. because I am not tasting the table then. lets take three incident.
(first time) I show it (I dont know thats its called table)…
it went into namagota./pancakhanda. with Rupa=image1 and sanna=??
(second time) I show and some one said its called ‘t-a-b-l-e’.
it went into namagota./pancakhanda. with Rupa=image2 and sanna=sadda.rupa-‘t-a-b-l-e’
(Third time) I show ‘t-a-b-l-e’.
the mind scans old rupas, and find the image1 and image 2 are matching and the sanna is sadda.rupa -‘t-a-b-l-e’
it went into namagota./pancakhanda. with Rupa=image3 and sanna=saddarupa’ n-i-c-e- -t-a-b-l-e’
so in short what I want to tell is sanna is nothing but another Rupa, particularly from different sense organ. and mostly from sound.
ParticipantYou say anicca = Na+icca… But you never say how nicca word is prepared. what does ‘n’ sounds and means before icca in the nicca?
I liked your interpretation of iccha =strong icca. but to keep sync with other words I had found other more appropriate word …
icca = expectation.. where as iccha =tanha+icca.
when I push switch , it is expected that the fan will start. thats icca. and the intention to start fan is iccha.
nicca = as expected.
anicca = as not expected.
paticca =pati+icca = cause/root of expectation..
I am sorry if this does not make sense to you. but for now it makes sense to me untill I find more information. Thankyou.
One more thing, in hindi I found a better word which rhyms with nicca.i.e “नीश्चीत”/nischit.. that means expected.
I also found the usage of hindi word नीत्य। is mostly used to denote routine activities. as in नीत्यक्रम। to denote brushing teeth, taking bath etc.
ParticipantOk, thanks.. Just to double comfirm.
All the 17/12 cittas of particular cittavitthi. Has that 9 stages.
And thus time span of citta vitthi is bigger then on 9 stage/ citta.
I will have more question rwlated to this. Thats why i am confirming though i understood your point. Thanks again. -