

  • This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Lal.
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    • #18338

      Hi All,

      It seems to me nibbida is a very important concept in buddha-dhamma. Nibbida arises through seeing things as they are. It leads to dispassion. It is a condition for dispassion. Dispassion leads to liberation. In many sutta’s this mechanism is expressed.

      Nibbida is sometimes translated as revulsion, turning away, disenchantment, disillusion.

      What do you think is a good translation ?

      Is it possible to attain magga phala without nibbida?


    • #18348

      Yes. It is a key word.

      It normally comes with, “nibbidā virāgā nirodhā..”, meaning “not grasping (detaching from), losing craving, and stop from arising”.

      And it is used with rupa, vedana, sannna, sankhara, vinnana.

      When one sees the anicca nature, one will lose craving for them (viraga), will get separated from them (nibbida), and that will lead to nirodha (stop all of them from arising).

      That is what leads to Nibbana.

    • #20664

      I find Nibbida still an interesting subject. I think becoming fed up is not very bad as a translation, what do you think?

      One must often see the danger, the disadvantages, the deludedness, the meaninglessness of something to become fed up with it and turn away from it. It looses it’s sign of attractiveness. It becomes unattractive.

      I think becoming fed up is not really a reaction of aversion. It is deeper, i think less emotional, more connected with wisdom.

      Becoming fed up with some things is oke, not bad, don’t you think so?

      One can look at teenagers drinking to much, and one remembers the time one was a teenager oneself, drunk and sick, acting as an idiot. One does not feel revulsion or aversion but has become fed up with it, no interest anymore in all this drinking, becoming intoxicated.

      Becoming fed up with certain things is quit intelligent.


    • #20665

      “Becoming fed up with some things is oke, not bad, don’t you think so?”

      Yes. That is good.
      When one starts comprehending Tilakkhana, one can start seeing that somethings are just not worthwhile doing. The examples you gave are good.

      Many current English translations translate nibbida as “revulsion” but that is not correct.

      It is more like an adult not enjoying making sand castles on the beach anymore (which one used to enjoy as a child).

      One does not need to forcibly give up such activities. One just is not interested in such activities anymore. So it comes automatically through wisdom (panna).

    • #20666
      y not

      I happened to be reading through AN

      AN 10.237 has PAHANAsaññā, virāgasaññā, nirodhasaññā— in addition to the usual seven starting with asubhasanna..etc. The translation for pahana(sanna) is given as ‘giving up’ which I understand as closely connected to ‘getting fed up’, this last being the very ground or reason for ‘giving up’

    • #20667

      “PAHANAsaññā, virāgasaññā, nirodhasaññā..”, all those seven types of saññā are what one cultivates — and ends up with — with “nibbida”.

      See, “Saññā – What It Really Means“.

    • #26509

      What do you think of this as description of Nibbida?

      -freeing oneself from false beliefs and illusions, and,
      -a feeling of no longer believing in the value of something, especially having learned of the problems with it.

      in fact those are description of disenchantment

    • #26518

      Yes, Siebe.

      Those are good descriptions. That is part of seeing the Tilakkhana.

    • #26524

      One more point. Nibbidā is the opposite of abhinandana (or abhinandati.)

      Abhinandati means “to highly value.”

      We get attached to things in this world because we tend to highly value them. When one “sees” the bad long-term consequences of getting attached to such “mind-pleasing things,” one will start losing that perception.
      – That is one way to look at “nibbidā.”

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