July 15, 2024 at 6:01 am
“Q. The everyday activities that proceed with sankhara would not be nava kamma. Because nava kamma only deals with abhisankhara. ..”
You asked this question some time back, too. Why do we have to consider “everyday activities” in Buddha Dhamma?
- Do “everyday activities” (like walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water to quench the thirst, driving to the supermarket to buy groceries, etc.) involve abhisankhara that we must consciously avoid?
- We study Buddha Dhamma to stop future suffering. Do such “everyday activities” lead to “kamma” or, more specifically, “generation of kammic energies that can bring adverse effects (kamma vipaka) in the future?
P.S. Some very subtle mano sankhara arise at the “purana kamma” stage. This was discussed in #10 of “Purāna and Nava Kamma – Sequence of Kamma Generation.“ It was mentioned also starting at #6 in “Taṇhā – Result of Saññā Giving Rise to Mind-Made Vedanā.”
- Such subtle “kamma” in the “purana kamma” stage can happen automatically with any arammana, as stated by “Kāma dhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati kāma saññā, kāma saññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati kāma saṅkappo.” See #10 of “Taṇhā – Result of Saññā Giving Rise to Mind-Made Vedanā.”
- But the mind of an Arahant will not even go through any stage past the “kāma dhātu” stage.