Reply To: Avyākata Paticca Samuppāda for Vipāka Viññāna


Avyākata Paṭicca Samuppāda for Vipāka Viññāṇa

#5. All PS processes can be broadly divided into three categories:

  • What we will discuss in this post is how past kamma vipāka bring in sense inputs via avyākata (avyākruta) PS process, and also automatically generate manō saṅkhāra.
  • Then akusala-mūla PS processes may contribute to generating new kamma that extends the rebirth process. These also start within seconds, but as mentioned above, we can catch and stop them if we are mindful (Satipaṭṭhāna/Ānapāna).
  • The kusala-mūla PS process describes how one can accumulate new “good kamma” that will eventually help us attain Nibbāna by following the Noble Path. If the kamma vipāka generated such a “good PS” process, we should cultivate those. That is also part of Satipaṭṭhāna/Ānapāna.

But in #37657

Tobias asked: “Do you say that new kamma bhava is accumulated while doing kusala kamma?”

No. The Kusala-mula PS does not accumulate kamma bhava.
– But it ELEVATES one to higher bhava, by eliminating the ability to be “hooked into” lower bhava, as you wrote in the later (last) comment.

Also, in #37646 Tobias said:

We should remind ourselves that kusala kamma is neither dark nor bright with neither-dark-nor-bright results, it is kamma that leads to the destruction of defilements. Thus kusala kamma will not add to kamma bhava.

So, I think #5 should be revised.