Reply To: Past experiences


Benefits of Metta/karuna cultivation:
-Reduction/weakening of dosa
-Metta is considered a kind of giving. Thus it is dana. Thus opposite of lobha. Thus it would not only weaken/reduce dosa but weaken/reduce lobha as well. That’s 2/3 akusala mula.
-Cultivating metta and karuna weakens or perhaps even totally delete many past bad kamma. Sharing the merits also has the same effect.
-Not only weaken/delete past bad kamma. But is highly meritorious. Merit=good kamma. Good kamma=blessings/protection/good luck/miracles. You’ve heard stories of sick people getting miraculously cured. Miracles are nothing more than peoples’ past good kamma coming to fruition. What you and I are going through now is probably a bad kamma vipaka. Hopefully doing this could cut its duration shorter than it was supposed to be.

11 Benefits of metta
Metta (Mettanisamsa) Sutta

Just how meritorious metta is:
Velāma Sutta

All this is to encourage others like me who whenever hear the advise of “metta/karuna” would not totally heed it but neglect it or are slacking off on cultivating it. Majority of the bhavana was informal, not even formal. Did not even take that long, just divided into at least 3 times throughout the day. I want to show it has clear results. I’ve experienced them. And it’s only been three months. I wonder what the results will be one year from now.

Siebe, if you feel you want to share more and just talk about your situation, and think it might not be suitable for the forum, I’m here to hear you out, you are welcome to contact me by email: [email protected]