For those who want to read the site in a book format, Mr. Seng Kiat Ng from Singapore has kindly put together all the posts in a pdf file. This file and the others below will be updated by him when I add a new post, at which time I may also revise a few existing essays so that the eBook will be up-to-date.
He also made the eBook in the epub and Mobi versions suitable for mobile phones and electronic book readers like the Amazon Kindle. Unfortunately, WordPress does not allow me to download them directly to this post (only pdf files are allowed).
- So he spent more time on it and put all three formats in a cloud drive. Any one of the three formats can now be downloaded from the cloud drive by clicking on the following icons. May he and his family receive many merits for this meritorious deed!
Pure Dhamma – March 23, 2025
November 7, 2022:
- Seng Kiat Ng has created an easy-to-use app or a “replica” of the Pure Dhamma website at “Pure Dhamma: A Quest to Recover Buddha’s True Teachings.”
- The Sutta Piṭaka is in its folder (without a diacritic mark) after the website name:
- Long Discourses Collection – Dīgha Nikāya is at “”
- Medium Discourses Collection – Majjhima Nikāya is at “” (Updated on January 15, 2023)
- Connected Discourses Collection – Saṁyutta Nikāya is at “”
- Numbered Discourses Collection – Aṅguttara Nikāya is at “”
- Also able to access all the Sutta Piṭaka from the Pure Dhamma website from the Table of Content (on the left side), which is at the bottom with the name Sutta Piṭaka.
- May he and his family receive much merit for his meritorious deeds!
February 6, 2023:
- Pāli Dictionary display on Web Browser
Concise Pāli-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera
Concise English-Pāli Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera - Download files at:
October 26, 2023:
- Another web application with the pdf files dated “Pure-Dhamma-14October2023.pdf” of the Puredhamma website: “PureDhamma AI.”
- This was submitted to the forum by Christian; see “PureDhamma AI – DhammaGPT.”
- May all those who participated in this meritorious deed receive much merit!