Thilakkhana I


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    • #14430


      Expectation, craving and attachment, can but be a source of insatisfaction / frustation (Dukkha) – seeing the inconsistency of everything human meaning body, feelings, mental formations. In another words: the kind of satisfaction that draws on craving & attachment is impossible to retain in the long run. It’s like a delusional snake trying to bite its own delusional tail without ever succeeding it . No craving no attachments no expectations : no suffering. Once the chain of becoming stopped there where it should be stopped, disturbing outcomes are drastically reduced or don’t take place at all.
      May one deactivate craving by deeply bearing in mind its heavy outcomes and by living with undeviating temperance.
      And what’s the source of craving & attachment ? The more one identifies with the body/senses compound limited to this actual body– the identification itself being already a compound -the more one craves and attaches.
      Pure Dhamma site/Lal: “We work hard to acquire “things” but either they get run down/destroyed (houses, cars, furniture,…. ) or we die leaving them behind.” Similarly one might say that “we work hard to build or we let others and the world build (conditioning) a certain “I” but sooner or later such image (sankata) of ourselves , mainly inspired on body/senses identification (another sankata) will be seriously shaken.

      Constructive critics welcome as always – thanks.

    • #14431
      y not


      “…Expectation, craving and attachment, can but be a source insatisfaction / frustation (DUKKHA…
      …sooner or later such image (sankata) of ourselves , mainly inspired on body/senses identification (another sankata) will be seriously shaken.”

      And then?

      And then you find that the world works against whoever tries to go into this. Friends and relatives at once give you the ‘snap out of it. Don’t worry, be happy ‘ advice (out of sincere compassion, no doubt) and urge you on with classic cliche’s like ‘ perhaps next time, as long as there is life there is hope, if you fail try and try again’ and similar distractions. You are hardly allowed to go into it.

      Western psychology does not help either; in fact I see it as the greatest hurdle to surmount. Directing the attention inward as in retrospection and reflection is termed introversion, a ‘condition’ bordering on mental disorder. One must be outgoing, extrovert, positive.

      It is not easy to see that ALL craving eventually leads to disappointment and delusion and for that one must go deep, and deeper still to see it even in future lives, especially in the so-termed ‘states of felicity’, and will be IMPOSSIBLE to see by seeking refuge in entertainment and partying. Once I overheard an English girl saying to a friend who had been moaning about her problems with her boyfriend: ‘Oh, get drunk’ !! I see no soultion, so drown the problem in alcohol. But the problem will be there next morning, and accompanied by a hangover as well.

      But we know there there is a State Of Being where one is free of all this, which IS the solution. For that we have striven and strive on, helped on by those who have made it their DUTY, no less, to assist others upon the Path leading to it.

      y not

      • #14456

        Y Not,

        “And then you find that the world works against whoever tries to go into this.” > Yes, entering into the stream of truth means that in a way or another we have to swim against the stream of delusion.

        “Western psychology does not help either; in fact I see it as the greatest hurdle to surmount. Directing the attention inward as in retrospection and reflection is termed introversion, a ‘condition’ bordering on mental disorder” > Not all (nowadays there are alot of different schools of thought) western psychologies / psychanalysis (both are Science too…) are incompatible with our Path. Let alone Relaxology.

    • #14467
      y not



      Yes, granted that ‘Not all (nowadays there are alot of different schools of thought) western psychologies / psychanalysis (both are Science too…) are incompatible with our Path.’ – but I grew up in the sixties and at that time it was still petty much ‘negative’, not to say condemning. If you liked being alone, then you needed treatment. And someone wrote something (I cannot recall who) to the effect that the first impression of something leaves an almost indelible effect which makes it impermeable to the influence of later developments. These are not the exact words, but I am sure you get it.

      So I am wrong in actul fact about my assessment of Western pschology at present. What I said was from my own experience of it.

      y not

    • #14512
      Tobias G

      As we still maintain a housholder life there is the struggle with the “ignorant surrounding”. The people close to us cannot see the futility of this life or the whole existence. Sometimes this fact is very annoying and the pull to seclusion becomes stronger. Everyone with samma ditthi can see others craving and suffering. When in metta bhavana the wish comes to the mind, to take all the helpless beings with me across the stream to the far shore.

      • #14518


        “When in metta bhavana…… Far shore” > hence the relative no-futility of existence.

    • #14517
      y not


      I cannot highlight any sentence or phrase there, for the whole of what you say is perfect insight perfectly stated.

      No other comment is necessary from me.

      y not

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