Hello everyone, I have a question. Is a relative like a big brother( sister ) parent hitting the Child of the family for punishment is a bad kamma vipaka? Or does this act have no consequence?
To be honest, I am in this situation. My little sister uses bad language with most people. I try to control myself to not fall into anger. I tell myself I am not better too. But some time is hard to do not fall into anger.
Hitting a child will not necessarily bring “bad kamma vipaka.”
As always, it depends on one’s INTENTION.
Hitting a child for a wrong action of the child (to discipline the child) will not bring “bad kamma vipaka.”
However, one must be careful not to generate anger. Take a moment to reflect on the situation; it is not a good idea to act with anger. Also, explain to the child why he is being punished, and why he should not engage in such “bad actions.”
Using foul language is definitely not good. We must try to control our anger.
If someone offends you, first try to figure out why they are doing it. It could be for a legitimate reason (that you are unaware of.) If you have done something wrong to offend that person, it is best to apologize.
If you are convinced that you have not done anything wrong, it is still better to avoid confrontations. Some people do have bad intentions; one must ALWAYS try NOT TO associate with such people. Trying to retaliate will escalate the situation and will bring more harm to both.