Post on “Jhāna, Jhāya, and Jhāyi – Different Meanings”

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Jorg.
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    • #38303

      Thanks for your post, Lal.
      My question relates to the sutta which you provided a link to under #7 The “Samādhibhāvanā Sutta (AN 4.41).”
      How would you rate the translation starting AFTER the part in quotations below (which you already explained in the post):

      “Atthi, bhikkhave, samādhibhāvanā bhāvitā bahulīkatā diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārāya saṁvattati;
      atthi, bhikkhave, samādhibhāvanā bhāvitā bahulīkatā ñāṇadassanappaṭilābhāya saṁvattati;
      atthi, bhikkhave, samādhibhāvanā bhāvitā bahulīkatā satisampajaññāya saṁvattati;
      atthi, bhikkhave, samādhibhāvanā bhāvitā bahulīkatā āsavānaṁ khayāya saṁvattati.”

      On a small side note, if you don’t mind explaining:
      What does “padhi” mean in sabbūpadhipaṭinissaggo?

      Btw, thank you for re-emphasizing the phrase: “etaṁ santaṁ etaṁ paṇītaṁ, yadidaṁ sabbasaṅkhārasamatho sabbūpadhipaṭinissaggo taṇhākkhayo virāgo nirodho nibbānan’ti,” in this post.

    • #38307

      1. All translations at Sutta Central are “word-by-word” translations.
      – In this particular sutta, one can probably get the ideas conveyed depending on the level of understanding.
      – But I also did not get to explain the sutta in detail. Any sutta requires further details.
      – If one cultivates anariya jhana (using anariya Samatha Bhavana techniques), then the order in the holds. But, of course, one cannot cultivate Ariya jhana until one cultivates Vipassana Bhavana and gets to at least (ii) and (iii). I briefly mentioned that in #7 in the post.

      2. “Sabbūpadhipaṭinissaggo” is “sabba” + “upadhi” + “paṭi” + “nissagga”.
      – Those terms mean, “all” + “defilements” + “bonds (to the Samsaric process)” + “become free of ”
      – Thus it means to attain the Arahanthood by becoming free of all defilements, and the ten types of samyojana (Samsaric bonds).

      Please note: Questions on all posts in the new “Elephants in the Room” section must be asked in the forum on “Posts on ‘Elephants in the Room'”.
      – I have moved this topic to that forum.
      – It is easy to figure out whether a given post is in the ‘Elephants in the Room” section. Just look at the web link. For example, for the post in question:

    • #38322

      All right, makes sense. Thank you!

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