Post on “Difference Between Jhāna and Stages of Nibbāna”

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    • #45705

      Difference Between Jhāna and Stages of Nibbāna

      Third bullet of #16

      “Of course, it would be easier for a person with magga phala to attain Ariya jhāna, and they will not attain anāriya jhāna.”

      But ariya can also attain anāriya jhāna, so I think it needs to be revised.

    • #45715

      Yes. That is correct. Thank you. I revised that as follows:

      “Of course, it would be easier for a person with magga phala to attain Ariya jhāna. However, there could be Ariyas below the Anāgāmi stage with anāriya jhāna; they will be born in the corresponding Brahma realm and will attain Nibbāna from there.”

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