” Are the internal rupa (pasada rupa) always ayatana even when just seeing an object (vipaka vinnana)?”
I was thinking about how to handle that. It is not a clear-cut issue and that is why I did not address it (I can write only so much in a given post). I will discuss this in more detail in the next post.
We can say for sure that an Arahant will use pasada rupa as indriya at ALL TIMES.
A normal human may or may not use a given indriya as ayatana. But it happens often. Furthermore, indriya becomes ayatana in varying degrees, depending on how strong the sensory attraction is.
– Even for the same external object, two people will “get attached” in different degrees. One may “fall in love” with a given woman, but another may just be attracted. A third person may not even be attracted. It is relative.