Key meaning of two of the dasa samyojana

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Lal.
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    • #37966

      Hello dhamma friends,
      Now I have a request and I need some help.

      I am requesting a detailed explanation of the following Pali words: Mana and Uddhacca

      I have read some information on the wikipedia but I feel like it’s not translated correctly as Buddha’s dhamma has gotten very contaminated over the years.

      So yeah that’s pretty much all I need and I will be very glad if someone knows what these words actually mean.

      Thanks in advance :)

    • #37968

      1. Māna and Uddhacca are two of the 10 samyōjana that needs to be broken to attain the Arahanthood.
      – But those two are broken only after the Anagamai stage.
      – One must first focus on breaking the first three samyōjana.
      – See “Dasa Samyōjana – Bonds in Rebirth Process
      – I just wanted to emphasize that first.
      – I don’t think I even discussed the higher 5 samyōjana in the above post.

      2. There are mainly three types of māna: māna, omāna, and atimāna.
      – See, “Taṇhā Sutta (AN 6.106)
      – In the above link, māna: māna, omāna, and atimāna are translated as conceit, inferiority complex, and superiority complex.
      – The last two are correct. Māna is a bit deeper than the usual definition of conceit, i.e., “excessively proud of oneself.” It is the deepest level of the perception of “I” or “me”. That is why it is removed only at the Arahant stage.

      3. “Uddhacca” is translated as “restlessness” in the following sutta: “Uddhacca Sutta (AN 6.116)
      – That is not too bad. But uddhacca is also related to māna. It is “high-mindedness” that is a much lower level than “atimāna” in #2 above (in the sutta).
      – Note that “uddhacca” is different from “uddhacca kukkucca” which is one of the five hindrances; see #10 of “Key to Calming the Mind – The Five Hindrances

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