Kamma and Kamma Vipāka – a personal experience

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    • #49430

      I invite Lal and others reading this post to take this as a confession by me.

      When I was about 13 years old, I saw that a related Grand mother’s hands were shaking most probably due to her advanced age. Although I did not make fun of her to her face, I told this to other young relatives and had a laugh with them.

      Years later, when I was in the 1st year in the University, I remember doing a practical in the lab, and my hands were shaking. Two others had seen this and when I was absent I heard from a colleague that they had made fun of me.

      Although I am far far from being even an Arhant (and the Buddha advised us not to even think about how our Kamma bears fruit), I think this is an example of Bad Kamma and its fruits.

      Although the initial act was merely a joke, the causes and effects principle I think, operated in this case.

      I would like if all of you share your thoughts on this.

      With Mettha,


    • #49447

      Thank you, Ravi, for sharing your experience.

      • However, that incident is insignificant compared to serious kamma we may have committed in our previous lives (and even in this life.) 
      • We must remember that one can overcome any kamma vipaka (except for anantriya kamma) in this life itself. 
      • Angulimala killed almost a thousand people and attained the Sotapanna stage in a few minutes. He attained the Arahanthood within a couple of weeks. See “Account of Angulimāla – Many Insights to Buddha Dhamma.”
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    • #49448

      Thanks Lal for your input.

      I focused here on what I understood as Dittha Dhamma Vedaniya Kamma, which is the Kamma which I think bears fruit in this life. I also consider this important to me as a reminder and a deterrent against any craving of mine to commit more serious bad Kamma – specially in times that I am pressurized.

      I invite all viewers of this site to share any such experience you may have had.

      With Mettha,



    • #49463

      “I focused here on what I understood as Dittha Dhamma Vedaniya Kamma, which is the Kamma which I think bears fruit in this life.”

      • That is correct. Such “small kamma” can bring vipaka only during this life (“dittha dhamma vedaniya kamma.”)
      • “Strong kamma,” like killing a human, can bring vipaka into lives well into the future. They are “aparapariya vedaniya kamma.”
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