Is Buddhism like Advaita Vedanta?

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 hours ago by Lal.
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    • #53650

      According to Wikipedia Advaita Vedānta is the following: “Advaita Vedanta is a Hindu tradition of textual exegesis and philosophy that states that jivatman, the individual experiencing self, is ultimately pure awareness mistakenly identified with body and the senses,[2] and non-different (“na aparah”) from Ātman/Brahman, the highest Self or Reality.”

      Besides the part about Brahman, is Buddhism also about the fact that our Manomaya Kaya (in other words the soul) is only just pure awareness experiencing reality?

    • #53651

      “Besides the part about Brahman, is Buddhism also about the fact that our Manomaya Kaya (in other words, the soul) is only just pure awareness experiencing reality?”

      • Manomaya kaya is not a “soul.”
      • The soul, by definition, is an everlasting entity.
      • At the death of an Arahant, his/her manomaya kaya dies and a “successor manomaya kaya” is not generated.

      P.S. This is the critical difference between Buddha Dhamma (Buddha’s teachings) and all other religions/philosophies. They all focus on pursuing a “permanent, suffering-free” existence in this world, either in a Deva realm (Creator God in Abrahamic religions) or a Brahma realm (Hinduism). 

      • This reply was modified 4 hours ago by Lal.
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