Could someone help me with my translations?

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 months ago by Lal.
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    • #45565

      Actual meditations recommended by the buddha that bring enlightenment per Ānāpānavagga:

      Aṭṭhikasaññā (desirous of; seeking for; profitable, good, proper, in need of)
      Puḷavakasaññā (worms eating body, erection of hair on body)

      Vinīlakasaññā (The son of a golden goose and a crow; dark blue; color of dead body)
      Vicchiddakasaññā (wave, backwash + drum + likely related to some vayu process of death)
      Uddhumātakasaññā (to breathe out, puff, blow. To inflate, to make known by blowing (a trumpet); final breath and bloating of body)

      Mettā (matta, mother energy, affection, kindness, nurturing)
      Karuṇā (negation of suffering of the gandhabba, negation of suffering of the kha, negation of suffering in general) 
      Muditā (celebration of original purpose?)
      Upekkhā (exalted pleasantnesss of stability; exalted bliss in purity of the kha/lha/mental body)
      Ānāpānassati (focused awareness on importing safe dharma(ama), and exporting unsafe(apa) dhamma)

      “Aṭṭhikapuḷavakaṁ vinīlakaṁ;
      Vicchiddakaṁ uddhumātena pañcamaṁ;
      Mettā karuṇā muditā,
      Upekkhā ānāpānena te dasāti.” (???)

      Asubhasaññā (unfortunate; unauspicious; merit destroying)
      Maraṇasaññā (agents of kama, agents of raga, agents of delusion & lust towards/in panchakhanda)
      Āhāre (food? for each realm based on gati?)
      Sabbaloke (all lokas/realms)
      Aniccasaññā (anicca nature of all realms)
      Anicce dukkhasaññā (how anicca leads to dukkha)
      Dukkhe anattasaññā (how dukkha ??? maybe infers or concludes anatta)
      Pahānasaññā (eliminated; abandoned; destroyed. what is??? bhava???)
      Virāgasaññā (dissipation of lust/raga)
      Nirodhasaññā (cessation of asavas/anusayas for/in sansara)

    • #45567

      Most of the explanations you have in brackets are not correct.

      I have explained some in the following posts:

      6. Anāpānasati Bhāvanā (Introduction)

      Karaniya Metta Sutta – Metta Bhavana

      7. What is Änapäna?
      Is Ānāpānasati Breath Meditation?
      8. The Basic Formal Ānāpānasati Meditation

      Until one attains the Sotapanna stage, most types of meditations you asked about cannot be done. For example:

      Aṭṭhikasaññā (desirous of; seeking for; profitable, good, proper, in need of)
      Puḷavakasaññā (worms eating body, erection of hair on body)

      Vinīlakasaññā (The son of a golden goose and a crow; dark blue; color of dead body)
      Vicchiddakasaññā (wave, backwash + drum + likely related to some vayu process of death)
      Uddhumātakasaññā (to breathe out, puff, blow. To inflate, to make known by blowing (a trumpet); final breath and bloating of body

      Asubhasaññā (unfortunate; unauspicious; merit destroying)
      Maraṇasaññā (agents of kama, agents of raga, agents of delusion & lust towards/in panchakhanda)
      Āhāre (food? for each realm based on gati?)
      Sabbaloke (all lokas/realms)
      Aniccasaññā (anicca nature of all realms)
      Anicce dukkhasaññā (how anicca leads to dukkha)
      Dukkhe anattasaññā (how dukkha ??? maybe infers or concludes anatta)
      Pahānasaññā (eliminated; abandoned; destroyed. what is??? bhava???)
      Virāgasaññā (dissipation of lust/raga)
      Nirodhasaññā (cessation of asavas/anusayas for/in sansara)

      P.S. Most of these cannot be explained in a few words. For example, the following two posts are on “anicca saññā (anicca nature of all realms):

      Cultivation of Virāga saññā (dissipation of lust/raga) and Nirodha saññā (cessation of asavas/anusayas for/in sansara) are not needed until the Angami stage.

      I will be writing about some of these in upcoming posts.

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