Contemplating Eye, ear,.nose, tongue, body, mind


  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Lal.
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    • #16730


      Contemplating Eye, ear,.nose, tongue, body, mind as anicca. Do we need to consider all 3 aspects, like eye, rupa, eye consciousnes together as a basics to contemplate anicca?
      Not sure when we say eye, is it the physical aspect or is there a different interpritation for the eye. For instance the eye we see when we are in front of a mirror is it the eye or any definition.
      This applies to the rest of our senses.


    • #16733

      Yes. Those 18 entities pretty much cover everything in this world.

      By cakkhu it is really meant the cakkhu pasada rupa. However, the physical eyes are needed to get the image to be sent to the cakkhu pasada rupa. So, one could contemplate the anicca nature of both. Especially at the beginning, it is easier to see the anicca nature of the physical eyes. No matter how hard we try, if we live long enough, it will be hard to maintain vision at the level that we experience when we are young.
      – The same is true for other five senses. Regarding the mana indriya, the brain starts to go bad too as we get old, and that affects vision, hearing, etc too.
      – And any of these physical components (physical eyes, ears,..brain) can be damaged at any time.

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