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  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Lal.
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    • #29599
      Tobias G

      In the table Cetasika adosa is mentioned as loving kindness. That means adosa is metta. Is that right? That also implies: with metta bhavana one will reduce dosa or better “love overcomes hate”.

    • #29605

      That was not correct.

      I have revised that as: “alobha (absence of greed); adosa (absence of hate/anger, of which mettā or “loving-kindness” is a part); tatramajjhattatā (neutrality of mind, of which upekkhā is a part);.”

      I made a few more corrections to that old post.

      Thank you, Tobias!

    • #29618
      Tobias G

      Thank you, Lal!

      How can we understand ditthi cetasika? I thought ditthi is a concept word (not ultimate reality), that means “how someone sees the world”. But as asobhana cetasika it colors the citta in a certain way and it is part of the ultimate reality. Can I interpret: “with that ditthi-color one cannot correctly see the world”?

    • #29624

      It is really miccha ditthi because it is an asobhana cetasika.

      Yes. It is there because one is unaware of the real nature (anicca, dukkha, anatta).
      – That is why Samma Ditthi is the first step in the Noble Eightfold Path.

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