In the table Cetasika adosa is mentioned as loving kindness. That means adosa is metta. Is that right? That also implies: with metta bhavana one will reduce dosa or better “love overcomes hate”.
I have revised that as: “alobha (absence of greed); adosa (absence of hate/anger, of which mettā or “loving-kindness” is a part); tatramajjhattatā (neutrality of mind, of which upekkhā is a part);.”
How can we understand ditthi cetasika? I thought ditthi is a concept word (not ultimate reality), that means “how someone sees the world”. But as asobhana cetasika it colors the citta in a certain way and it is part of the ultimate reality. Can I interpret: “with that ditthi-color one cannot correctly see the world”?
It is really miccha ditthi because it is an asobhana cetasika.
Yes. It is there because one is unaware of the real nature (anicca, dukkha, anatta).
– That is why Samma Ditthi is the first step in the Noble Eightfold Path.