Can infinite metta and kama raga coexist?

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Yeos.
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    • #22144

      It is brahmas, Arahants, and Buddhas who radiate such boundless infinite unconditional metta/karuna/mudita to all sentient beings. And kama raga also just happens to be absent in brahmas, Arahants, and Buddhas.

      Can someone be able to radiate boundless metta to all sentient beings to that level of a brahma, when they still have kama raga?

      Or will someone with kama raga have a weaker version of metta than that of a brahma(weaker due to the presence of kama raga)?

      I ask because kama raga involves selfish attachment to those who we are biased towards, whereas metta is selfless detached loving kindness for all sentient beings regardless of who they are.

      If someone cultivates metta to such a high degree, will their kama raga suppress to the level of non-existence(at least temporarily) and thus not be reborn in kama loka in their next bhava?

    • #22179

      upekkha100 asked: “Can someone be able to radiate boundless metta to all sentient beings to that level of a brahma, when they still have kama raga?”

      You have given the answer below that too.

      When one has extreme version of kama raga (abhijja), the power of the metta bhavana is the weakest. One is just reciting without much effect.
      – It is stronger when abhijja is reduced to kama raga stage.
      – It is even stronger when one has no kama raga, but has rupa raga and arupa raga left.
      – It is stronger when only arupa raga is left.
      – It is strongest when all are eliminated by removing both tanha and avijja (i.e., for an Arahant).

      Put it in another way, the javana power of a citta is increased as one gets rid (or at least suppresses) avijja and tanha.
      – Of course, removal is better than suppression, AND removal requires the comprehension of anicca nature (Tilakkhana).

      P.S.A Simple Way to Enhance Merits (Kusala) and Avoid Demerits (Akusala)

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      • #22462

        @Lal said “When one has extreme version of kama raga (abhijja), the power of the metta bhavana is the weakest. One is just reciting without much effect.”

        Absolutely; it’s elementary. Now it’s also depending on gathi, on specific kamma.
        Some people look kind and compassionate to everybody despite being unaware of the Dhamma.
        They are all the time talking about and furthering “unconditional love” (see social networks).
        Yet such attitude can but be a mood/disposition thus fragile because not Dhamma-grounded.

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    • #22463


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