Analayo and mutti

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Lal.
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    • #23316

      I was suffering and going through the dhamma for a path(not new to me). I conceived some questions during my research about the word “analayo”.

      Standing definition for Analayo:
      “remove attachments”.

      This definition ALWAYS, since attempting to translate dhamma-cakku in my own language and applying the entire 10 fold path and various fixes in the definitions…Technically the beginning says to remove TANHA which of course is not attachment which is really upa+dana. So removing attachment was a logical “end” to the list but we’re talking about Lord Buddha here…

      “Anyway, here are my current notes:
      Now this, bhikkhus, is the noble’s comprehension of the removal of the causes of suffering: By the remainderless removing of tanha/Craving without a trace(yeva taṇhāya asesa-virāga-nirodho), by giving without expecting anything back or in return (chago), by surrendering all marriages/bonds (paṭi(marriage)+nissaggo), by becoming un-entangled/FREE(mutti), by removing all attachments, becoming timeless (anālayo = ana(no/neg) + laya(time or measurement)).”

      I downloaded a bunch of unicode pali dictionaries. “Ana” means time or measurement. We know the measurement of time is literally do the ignorance inherent in the human being and it’s own dimension***. Time or “the+I+am” is simply the movement of rupa from the angle of a vinnana with a firm mana of a nama+rupa. laya seems to either mean “cut” or “ability to cut” or measurement/time.

      My extensive definition is: negate time. Cut the measurement. Stop Counting. Stop Moving towards the object. Take the awareness away from the object. Become unattached. Remove Attachment.

      1. In relationship to the objects/bhava/or antarbhava(?) that is being craved…is one of the steps towards nirodha actually recognizing(through meditation) the “timeless” space where my self-concept, rajasic energy, things “moving” becomes CUT?

      2. I’ve always assumed but now i’m asking…mutti and the entire “entanglement” language even the “endless knot” of buddhism actually has to do with the gandhabbaya right? It’s the gandhabbaya that is entangled through the various citta vritti and karmic patterns leading to our asavas > anusayas?

      Love, Wisdom, Peace, Freedom

    • #23317

      *** Note:
      Harvard Scholars translated patanjali’s sutras which I believe were actually either created or influenced during buddha’s time.

      Patanjali’s word for “ignorance” is avijja however they translated avijja as “undifferentiated consciousness”. My research has discovered that the citta or consciousness is “undifferentiated” because it is not differentiated from it’s object. As we know citta attaches to it’s object, upadana. So I firmly believe patanajali was using the term ignorance to describe to same phenomena we use the word upa+dana or attachment but in a different context. The citta is attaching and identifying with it’s object, which patanjali essentially calls ignorance…

      It is also quite possible, he was talking about the hadaya vatthu and the moment that the citta “references” it’s object with either love or hatred. This “differentiation” of love/hate is also likely ignorance he was speaking of.

      However it is this very “attaching” I believe that causes the perception of time and hence the entire mundane world of the conventional mind or reality. I could easily be mixing up some things here, and while that may be true I think it stills adds a bit to my post above.

    • #23320

      “ālaya” means to get attracted to something/someone.
      – “Analayo” means removal all attachments.

      “Mutti” is freedom, similar to vimutti.

      From the “Khandha Sutta (SN 56.13)“: “Katamañca, bhikkhave, dukkhanirodhaṃ ariyasaccaṃ? Yo tassāyeva taṇhāya asesa­virāga­nirodho cāgo paṭinissaggo mutti anālayo—idaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave, dukkhanirodhaṃ ariyasaccaṃ“.

      Translated: “And what, bhikkhus, is the noble truth of the cessation of suffering? It is the remainder-less fading away and cessation of that same craving, the giving up, breaking bonds, freedom with the removal of all attachments. This is called the noble truth of the cessation of suffering”.

      Regarding the questions:
      1. In relationship to the objects/bhava/or antarbhava(?) that is being craved…is one of the steps towards nirodha actually recognizing(through meditation) the “timeless” space where my self-concept, rajasic energy, things “moving” becomes CUT?

      2. I’ve always assumed but now i’m asking…mutti and the entire “entanglement” language even the “endless knot” of buddhism actually has to do with the gandhabbaya right? It’s the gandhabbaya that is entangled through the various citta vritti and karmic patterns leading to our asavas > anusayas?”

      Losing attachment (analayo) means losing to attachment to the five aggregates of rupa, vedana, sanna, sankhara, vinnana (that means basically losing attachment to everything in this world, which is accomplished only at the Arahant stage). Then one becomes free (mutti).
      – See the post that I published today: “Yamaka Sutta (SN 22.85) – Arahanthood Is Not Annihilation but End of Suffering“.

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