Anagami stage of Nibbana

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Lal.
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    • #37745

      Hello Lal,
      Is it true that you haven’t yet reached the Anagami stage?
      I have some memories of this being true but I cannot find the post.

    • #37746

      Yes. That is correct. I am not an Anagami yet. I don’t remember the thread where I discussed that in response to someone’s question.

      I see that most of your questions are about other people’s experiences. Time is better spent learning Dhamma concepts.

    • #37747

      I have read a lot of your posts and I have learned a lot of dhamma but it’s just that my questions are about people’s experiences as your explanation of dhamma concepts is precise and doesn’t need further explaining, that’s why I don’t ask questions about dhamma concepts.

      And now for my next question:

      How do you know you are a tihetuka?

    • #37748

      If I were not a tihetuka I would not be able to attain any magga phala. Now, no more questions about my magga phala or jhana! I have explained enough.

      It is difficult to determine whether one is a dvihetuka or a tihetuka, especially at the beginning.
      – Of course, no one can determine that for another person at any point.

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