All about Dhamma Wheel


  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Lal.
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    • #38652

      what is the wheel of dhaama and to be set in motion. Is it symbolic denotion? or real wheel in somewhere in existence?

    • #38653

      Good question. Let me explain in the following way.

      1. “Dhamma” means “to bear.” That is the most encompassing definition of “dhamma.”
      – Most times, this idea is expressed by the word “dhammā” (with a long “a” at the end). For example, “Ye dhammā hetuppabhavā” refers to how everything in this world arises due to dhammā (kammic energies) created by the six hetus (lobha, dosa, moha, alobha, adosa, amoha).
      – The mind generates such kammic energies (dhammā) via the generation of abhisankhara/kamma vinnana/namarupa generation in Paticca Samuppada. With the complete cessation of avijja that process stops at the Arahant stage.

      2. Until the above process is understood at the Sotapanna Anugami stage (and fully understood at the Arahant stage), all minds engage in creating “dhammā”. That leads to rebirths when those kammic energies bring new “bhava/jati”.
      – Within those new bhava/jati, “dhammā generation” continues.
      – Thus it is a cyclic process: kamma generation leads to future births. Within each birth, there is more kamma generated.
      This “cycle” is “cakka” in Pali. Thus the term, “Dhamma Cakka” or the “wheel of Dhamma”.

      3. Now, this cycle can be broken only by comprehending “Buddha Dhamma”.
      – “Buddha” comes from “bhava uddha” or “stopping new bhava”. Thus, “Dhamma” in “Buddha Dhamma” act in the opposite way “normal dhamma” which leads to rebirth.

      4. In his first sutta, dhammacakkappavattana sutta” the Buddha explained how that “cyclic process” sustains the rebirth process filled with unimaginable suffering.
      – Here, “dhammacakkappavattana” = “dhamma” “cakka” “pavattana” where the last term means “keep in motion”.
      – It has a double meaning. By understanding that process, one can overcome it and be free of it.
      P.S. The cyclic process of samsara is stated in the “Paṭhamabodhi Sutta (Ud 1.1)“. That is the “Forward Paticca Samuppada.’ The stopping of that process is with the “Reverse Paticca Samuppada” stated in the next sutta: “Dutiyabodhi Sutta (Ud 1.2)“ Those are the first two sutta in the Udana section of the Tipitaka.

      5. Finally, “cakka” is not to be confused with “cakkhu“.
      – Cakkhu means to see.
      – “Dhamma cakkhu” is a “special seeing with wisdom (with Buddha Dhamma) about how that samsaric cyclic process takes place (and to overcome it).
      – Thus, the Buddha refers to “dhamma cakkhum udapadi” or the “arising of wisdom eye” upon attaining the Buddhahood in the same Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta.

    • #38659

      Lal, I am afraid that there are too many details in Paṭicca Samuppāda, I don’t understand how much details are necessary to understand.

      Can you point out what section of website about Paṭicca Samuppāda is required at minimum, and sufficient if one were to contemplate on that section.

      I now understand all four noble truths and Aniccā based on Paṭicca Samuppāda in context of 31 realms. (Not fully ofcourse)

      However, My understanding in Paṭicca Samuppāda is still at very basic level.

      And what I understand regardless is that we cannot keep any saṅkhata without its adīnava. If we choose to be passionate and embrace the saṅkhata with dukkhā nature, then dukkha will come to our way, this is true Aniccā, inability to keep Liked state of any saṅkhata without viparinama This dukkha is inevitable future suffering connected with each saṅkhata. I have good understanding of this.

      One more question, The ashobhana Cetasika that is removed at Arhant stage, what exactly one knows that removes this whole cetasika from arising ever again?

      I would like to guess that it is understanding of four noble truths at very deep level or maybe it is samma Ñāna Which is asavakhaya nana, if I am not wrong.
      If so, what is nature of this asavakhaya nana?

    • #38661

      Paticca Samuppada can be understood at different levels. Only a Buddha can understand it fully, and be able to explain any worldly phenomenon.

      But one needs to understand at least what types of abhisankhara lead to births in various reams.
      – In particular, one needs to understand what types of abhisankhara can lead to rebirths in the apayas, “good realms in kama loka”, and in Brahma loka. Those are apunnabhisankhara, punnabhisankhara, and anenjhabhisankhara.
      – Then one needs to be able to figure out what each of the steps involves.

      Each person’s learning curve is unique. Thus, I cannot say to read this first. You should start reading the following section;
      Paṭicca Samuppāda

      Generally, I would say start at the top.

      I would say to get a better understanding of Paticca Samuppada first. Then you may be able to answer your other questions yourself.
      – Also, the Four Noble Truths, Paticca Samuppada, and Tilakkhana are interrelated and interconnected. You will also see that when getting to the basic understanding.

      Some people may find it is better to start with the following section:
      Basic Framework of Buddha Dhamma

      I cannot point out specific posts, because I have no idea how much you or anyone else knows. Don’t get frustrated. Just work at it. Obviously, you have made progress and you are making progress.

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