Reply To: Need advice to teach Dhamma to grandparents

Yash RS

Wisdom along with the Dhamma creates path towards Nibbana. Note that intelligence and wisdom are very different things.

For that one must be open minded and have the ability to analyse any given information ,example , the pleasure cycle, anicca,etc. I have also faced similar issues, people instantly try to claim that their religion already has this knowledge or that it has been known in their religion even before the Buddha ( when I used to teach them about kamma and 31 realms). Yet they suffer and are still neither satisfied nor have the knowlegde to permanently eradicate suffering. For them if their religion is “attacked” they feel their egos to be hurt. I Had a very similar incident with my hindu Uncle. Even after explaining everything to him in an easy manner and in great depth, he still said that he would follow hinduism. Its best to explain to those who are truly willing to listen and who dont try to make their religion appear great in comparison to buddha dhamma. I also shared these teachings to my mothers friend who was very amazed of it but never again asked to learn more( I think the wisdom faculty in this case was very low).I sent these teachings to my friend and she never bothered to even listen to a single sermon. She frequently posts about herself and her friends partying and going to picnics and all. If she had understood the dhamma, she would’nt have had to experience this much Pilana for something that is not true happiness.

So the best way that I feel  is to try to introduce the teachings by explaining the Pleasure cycle and then Distorted Sanna. I tried with this with my cousin sister and it worked . It would then create more curiosity in them and then we can proceed further.

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