Reply To: Witness consciousness and Buddha nature


1. A mind arises in hadaya vatthu. It is in the manomaya kaya (mental body or the gandhabba).

  • In your steps (in the earlier comment), that hadaya vatthu receives the “object” via the cakkhu pasada rupa in step #6.
  • Hadaya vatthu is the “seat of the mind,” where thoughts (cittas) arise.
  • Those cittas arise (in hadaya vatthu) due to causes and conditions.
  • So, we know about the mind as a “defined entity.”

2. Kammic energy is generated only if raga, dosa, moha arise in the cittas.

  • Kammic accumulation takes place in two stages. (i) In the “purana kamma” stage, where defiled thoughts arise automatically due to samyojana/anusaya, kammic energies generate are weak; they do not contribute to future bhava (i.e., to bring future rebirths). (ii) If the mind starts focusing on the object, then (after the “tanha paccaya upadana” step in Paticca Samuppada) potent kammic energies (that can bring future rebirths) are generated via conscious thoughts. That is the “nava kamma” stage.
  • I don’t know whether you read the post “Purāna and Nava Kamma – Sequence of Kamma Generation.” You probably started reading this website after it was posted on 1/11/24. See “New / Revised Posts.” A series of posts after 11/4/23 focused on a deeper analysis.

3. I do not understand what you are trying to say in steps #1 through #5 in your last comment.