Reply To: How to deal with abhijja, by Venerable deegoda dhammadassi


I stated in my previous comment what is to be done once one is on the Noble Path.

  • To start on the Noble Path, one must first become a Sotapanna by understanding the worldview of the Buddha and developing faith (saddha) based on that understanding. While doing that, one would also remove the ten types of wrong views (miccha ditthi.) 
  • I have discussed that in many posts; of course, it is not easy to find them without some guidance. Let me point out a few posts that could be helpful.

Sila, Samadhi, Panna to Panna, Sila, Samadhi“, “Six Root Causes – Loka Samudaya (Arising of Suffering) and Loka Nirodhaya (Nibbāna),” “Kusala and Akusala Kamma, Punna and Pāpa Kamma”,” and “Four Conditions for Attaining Sōtapanna Magga/Phala.”

  • There are other posts. However, many of them are likely referred to in the above posts.
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