She added at the end, “Justice will be served to those who don’t accept Him. They will be thrown into a lake of fire.” It sounded like she was telling me to F off, intentionally or not. So at that point, there was nothing I could do other than wish her well in disappointment.
My friend, you are too kind and a little innocent (not in a wrong way). It’s not your fault because I have noticed that people who are kind hearted tend to think everyone else is the same but many are not! There are even those who get into “missionary dating” (my term) where they will date you simply to try to convert you. Don’t take this in a negative way since I don’t know much about the girl you mentioned but based on your comment, I suspect she understood that you’re not easy to convert so she doesn’t want to try. People may not be the way they superficially appear, so I’d suggest being careful because you deserve better. Just left this remark so you won’t create unnecessary suffering for yourself.