Reply To: How do I practice dhamma for stream-entry in this life itself?


This is what one Sangha taught. 

    1.Always think about the Dhamma.

    2.Spend as much time as you can with stream-enterers.

    3.Serve other people whenever you have the chance even if it means you can’t do something you planned to do or is an inconvenience.

    4.When you have an evil thought, STOP, and say ‘Rather than doing this evil thing I will glorify the Buddha,’ then say ‘Namo Buddhaya’ 10 times.

    5.Do not use the words ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ or ‘mine’ unless you have to whether with voice or thought.

    6.Notice when you experience love, joy, peace, patience, letting-go, faith, self-control, goodness, gentleness and be grateful for them.

    7.Give things away. Food, clothes, furniture, books, medicine… Be very careful when giving away money.

    8.Taste Nibbana. This is the most important step but it cannot be explained: it must be experienced.

Namo Buddhaya ☸️


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