Reply To: About Vipassana-insight technique taught by teacher S.N. Goenka


Yes sir I read the introduction part of sankhara from the link you provided above. Thank you for correction.

Sir, I think what goenka referred to as ‘sankhara’, it was, as I read on the link you provided , anusayas(the latent tendencies) actually. Translation in another language is surely tough and error causing task. I remember hearing latent tendencies in subconscious mind during course in English and hearing ‘sanskaras of raga, dvesha and moha’ in our native language. Anyways there is possibility that either this is problem due to language or maybe he is wrong here.

Sir regardless of that, what do you think about the technique of Vipassana as I (tried to) explain above. Is it possible to reach stream-entry with this practice? Or What do you think sir? Is there any possibility of that?