Reply To: About Vipassana-insight technique taught by teacher S.N. Goenka


What do you (or Mr. Goenka) mean by “sankharas”? 

  • I think we can discuss things better once I understand what you all mean by “sanskaras.”

Sorry sir for not being enough clear.
As far as I understood Goenka’s course, sankhara means deeper remaining seeds of greed and ill will. And what we observe usually is not all of them but many many of them are present deeper in our subconscious yet to surface(come in our experience) because of lack of causes and conditions for them to arise. But eventually they all will arise on surface and if our mind stays defiled then we will multiply then without letting them get dissipated by themselves by their very nature of impermanence.
This is how I understand it. please correct me if I am wrong anywhere sir..