Reply To: About Jati and Ayatana


Good summary!

We could improve on that as follows (by providing a bit more information):

avijja paccaya sankhara: One acts based on ignorance of the bad consequences of such actions (if they involve raga, dosa, moha/avijja).

sankhara paccaya vinnana: One develops corrupted expectations about the future. This includes even “moral deeds” done without understanding the anicca nature. (However, moral deeds must be done regardless since that will provide the background to understand the “anicca nature.”)

vinnana paccaya namarupa: One forms mental images of the expected outcome. This is a crucial step that cannot be summarized in a few sentences. This is where “mental energy” starts creating “subtle rupa” or “dhammā” (kamma bija) that can bring vipaka, including rebirth. See, “What are Rūpa? – Dhammā are Rūpa too!

namarupa paccaya salayatana: One uses the sensory faculties to bring the imagined expectations to life.

salayatana paccaya phassa: While trying to bring the imagined expectations to life, one engages in corrupted sensory contact, i.e., with raga, dosa, moha/avijja.

phassa paccaya vedana: One experiences a “mind-made” sensory feeling (samphassa-ja-vedana). See, for example, “Vēdanā and Samphassa-Jā-Vēdanā – More Than Just Feelings.”

vedana paccaya tanha: One automatically clings to the corrupted sensory experience. (This may happen in the “purana kamma” stage. If it happens, the mind proceeds to the next step of upadana.)

tanha paccaya upadana: One attaches to it with free will and starts accumulating “strong kammic energies” by engaging in vaci and kaya kamma in the “nava kamma” stage. See “Purāna and Nava Kamma – Sequence of Kamma Generation.”

upadana paccaya bhava: One forms a “state of existence.” This leads to a temporary “state of mind during life.” It also accumulates kammic energies to lead to a “new existence (bhava)” at a cuti-patisandhi moment. See “Upādāna Paccayā Bhava – Two Types of Bhava.”

bhava paccaya jati: One is born into that particular bhava. Again, that happens during a life (innumerable times) and also when a human or animal gandhabba is born with a physical body.

  • I know that you understand most of the above. It is to provide further clarification for the benefit of all.
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