Reply To: Elimination of Rupa/Arupa Rāga


1. One becomes an Anagami by realizing the drawbacks and adverse consequences of being born with a physical body that can cause ailments and diseases. In addition, kama raga generates incessant subtle levels of dissatisfaction and a sense of non-fulfillment. Even when reborn in a Deva realm, that second aspect is there, even though Devas do not have ailments or diseases. 

  • The drawbacks of rupa loka Brahma realms are even more challenging to comprehend. The mental states there do not have much suffering and mostly “jhanic pleasures.”
  • The “samapatti pleasures” of arupa loka Brhamas are even more subtle and long-lasting.
  • Thus, it is harder to lose rupa raga and even harder to lose arupa raga.

2. The key is to realize that none of those “births/existences” are permanent. Unless one becomes a Sotapanna by comprehending the “big picture,” all those rebirths become useless because even the arupa loka Brahmas can be reborn later in the apayas.

  • That high level of “possible suffering” at the Sotapanna stage is easier to understand. That is what one must tackle first.  P.S. One can easily see the level of suffering in the apayas, at least in the animal realm.
  • It is difficult for a puthujjana to see the drawbacks of sensual pleasures, let alone those of jhanic and samapatti pleasures. That is why the Buddha realized it would not be easy to teach his Dhamma to humans.

3. Still, seeing the “big picture” with all the realms can be beneficial. That way, one can start grasping the concept of “distorted sanna,” which clearly shows that all existences are “mind-made” (via Paticca Samuppada) and not real; they are all mirages in the sense they provide only “temporary relief” (in the higher realms) and do not lead to the elimination of suffering. 

  • However, one must first focus on removing the “immediate level of suffering.” 
  • Only a Sotapanna can start perceiving the drawbacks of jhanic pleasures, and even that happens only after grasping the concept of “distorted sanna” well. 
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