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But I remember watching a  YouTube video by Praveen Mohan where he showed dinosaur depictions in various temples. For humans to do that, they must have seen dinosaurs.

Are you joking? If humans saw Dinosaurs and put them in temples that would mean those temples have been there for more than 50 millions years and withstood a comet strike which is not possible.

“Praveen Mohan” is a Hindu conspiracy theorist that has been exposed multiple times for spreading misinformation. I did watch a couple of his videos pertaining to “Dinosaurs crafted in temples” and they looked more like camel and rhyno (with leaves around it) than literal dinosaurs. Here’s an Electrical Engineer exposing him, How Many ERRORS Can You Fit in a Video?!

Of course, our primary focus should be on the teachings but there is value in making such investigations too. If humans existed for more than 7 million years, there should be human fossils that date back even further. I’m just being a skeptic because I don’t want to blindly believe in stuff.