August 24, 2024 at 8:39 pm
Very good!
The connection to the chart is given in the “Dutiyabhava Sutta (AN 3.77)“: “Kāmadhātuve pakkañca, ānanda, kammaṁ nābhavissa, api nu kho kāma bhavo paññāyethā”ti?
- The Buddha asks Ven. Ananda, “If, Ānanda, there was no kamma took place, would it be possible for the kāmadhātu to ripen (expand) and transition into kāma bhava?”
- The answer was “no.”
In the above chart, the sensory input makes the mind fall into kama dhatu. It automatically gets the “kama sanna.“
- However, the mind would automatically generate “mano kamma” (“kāma saṅkappa” or “mano sankhara“) ONLY IF it attaches to that kama sanna. That must happen for the mind to enter kama bhava.
- Since an Arahant or an Anagami has removed kama raga, their minds WILL NOT enter kama bhava.
That was briefly explained in #10 of “Purāna and Nava Kamma – Sequence of Kamma Generation” which I quote below.
10. The “Sanidāna Sutta (SN 14.12)“ points out the general sequence of steps involved in kamma accumulation based on any sensory input in kāma loka. We discussed that in the post “Upaya and Upādāna – Two Stages of Attachment.”
- “Kāma dhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati kāma saññā, kāma saññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati kāma saṅkappo, kāma saṅkappaṁ paṭicca uppajjati kāmacchando, kāmacchandaṁ paṭicca uppajjati kāma pariḷāho, kāma pariḷāhaṁ paṭicca uppajjati kāma pariyesanā.” OR “Attachment to kāma dhātu leads to kāma saññā, attachment to kāma saññā leads to kāma saṅkappa, attachment to kāma saṅkappa leads to kāmacchanda..and so on to kāma pariyesanā.“