August 5, 2024 at 11:45 am
nibbana is the object of a pabhassara citta, see below (at the end of the post).
Nirōdha Samāpatti, Phala Samāpatti, Jhāna, and Jhāna Samāpatti
At first, I thought that the pabhassara citta is supramundane (lokuttara), so I took it to mean that it was not quite a manōdvāra citta; I thought a manōdvāra citta took only a dhammmā from this world.
Searching around, I saw that it took nibbana as the object. I guess this is where the two spheres, lokiya and lokuttara, “touch”.
Furthermore, see this thread, where Lal stated that “the “pabhassara citta” does not fall into any of the three “dhatu” or “loka.”