Reply To: In Praise of Lal


We are all sorry to hear about your situation, y not. Thank you for your participation in discussions over the years.

  • Every one of us will face the same situation. It is even possible that I may encounter the end before you. Life is unpredictable. All we can do is to be “ready” to face the eventuality at any time by making our best effort to progress a little bit more on our path.
  • I believe you have done your part.

By the way, there is no need to thank me, but thank you all for your thoughts. I started this website to express my gratitude to the Buddha, Waharaka Thero, and several others (I don’t want to name any more names because I will inevitably leave out a name or two) who helped me start understanding how to avoid this situation in the future. 

  • The best way to pay our gratitude to the Buddha and those other Noble Persons is to help others understand this profound Dhamma by participating in discussions and (whenever possible) letting others know about the “previously unheard teachings of the Buddha.”
  • Even though Waharaka Thero initiated this resurgence, we are collectively making even more progress. I believe the recent series of posts on “distorted sanna” is an aspect of the deeper Dhamma. Specifically, it shows that our cravings are based on a mirage (false value of sensual pleasures) built into our bodies via Paticca Samuppada. That idea came to me with insights from a few others (I must mention Dr. Chandana Jayasinghe specifically, even though we don’t know each other).  I got the idea while thinking about the concepts of “purana kamma” and “nava kamma” stages he discussed; see #4 of “Purāna and Nava Kamma – Sequence of Kamma Generation.”
  • Future generations will make even more progress, and hopefully, there will be living Arahants, too, in the near future.
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