August 2, 2024 at 7:02 am
Yes. Hojan is right. I just revised it as follows. Thank you both, and much merit!
2. About the first fourth of the “Chachakka Sutta (MN 148)” discusses the following steps: “Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjāti cakkhuviññāṇaṃ, tiṇṇaṃ saṅgati phasso, phassa paccayā vedanā, vedanā paccayā taṇhā.” (repeated for all six sense faculties.)
The sutta describes the automatic and instantaneous response to a new ārammana. In several posts, we discussed all those steps in detail. Very briefly, those steps are (just focusing on the cakkhu viññāna):
- With the coming together (contact) between cakkhu (or cakkhu pasāda rūpa) and a rūpa (which is a “snapshot” of that external rūpa created in the mind according to one’s samyojana/anusaya), cakkhu viññāna arises. Cakkhu is NOT the physical eyes, and rupa is not the “external rupa.” See “Purāna and Nava Kamma – Sequence of Kamma Generation” and other posts in the “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” section.
- If that rūpa triggers kāma guna, one may become interested in it (if one has the corresponding “san gati“). The next step only occurs if one has such matching gati for that rūpa or that ārammana. See “Kāma Guṇa – Origin of Attachment (Tanhā)” in the same section.
- If one has matching “san gati,” a corresponding “samphassa-jā-vēdanā” arises AUTOMATICALLY. See “Vipāka Vēdanā and “Samphassa jā Vēdanā” in a Sensory Event.“
- The next step, “vedanā paccayā taṇhā,” happens if that “samphassa-jā-vēdanā” is strong enough to take further action. We discussed that last step in “Kāma Guṇa – Origin of Attachment (Tanhā).”