I feel like we’ve had similar experiences. Very recently, I tried sharing Dhamma with a (kind) Christian girl that I liked and whom I believed has enough paramita to be able to comprehend the teachings. I spoke about the “anicca” nature of the world described by Buddha. She immediately brought up the Genesis chapter of Bible which allegedly describes the origin of world’s “brokenness”. I questioned it by asking questions like, Why God chose to punish the descendants of the original sinners, why uncountable animals are suffering, etc. and also the theology itself by questions like why there is so much inequality in the world. She said she couldn’t find the answers to former questions and only answered the latter by saying, “There is a lot of inequality because of the sin. I believe that Jesus died for my sin and His promise is to come back to this world and save those that accept Him. Then there will be no death, sorrow and grief…”
She added at the end, “Justice will be served to those who don’t accept Him. They will be thrown into a lake of fire.” It sounded like she was telling me to F off, intentionally or not. So at that point, there was nothing I could do other than wish her well in disappointment.
As part of comprehending the anicca nature of this world, we must detach ourselves from outcomes that we don’t control. This made realize that we should inform others (even those we care about) without any expectation.