July 28, 2024 at 4:59 pm
Yes. Dosakkhayo’s above comment provides some critical insights. Let me expand on that a bit more.
- One’s physical and mental bodies arise according to the type of kamma responsible for bringing this existence (bhava) and birth (jati.)
- For example, a pig is born according to lowly, immoral actions done as a human. Such kamma (probably done with greed) produces an existence that likes “lowly tastes.” Thus, eating garbage/feces produces an “enticing sanna” in a pig. However, that “distorted sanna” cannot lead to strong immoral deeds (akusala kamma) in a pig (or any being in an apaya).
- Strong javana cittas that can bring good or bad outcomes can arise mostly in humans. This is a key nugget from Abhidhamma.
- Now, a human bhava (and jati with a physical body) arises due to a “good kamma vipaka” (via punna abhisankhara), but still “contaminated with kama raga or craving for sensual pleasures.” Therefore, the human body produces an “enticing sanna” only for sugar, cake, pizza, etc., but NOT for garbage/feces. Yet, if a human engages in immoral deeds to acquire such tasty foods by engaging in “lowly deeds” (like stealing or taking bribes, for example) on a regular basis, that can lead to acquiring enough akusala kamma to bring a “pig birth” via a “pig existence.”
A key point is that the “distorted sanna” is according to the birth.
- Beings in different realms are born with corresponding “distorted sanna” built-in.
- In another example, rupavacara Brahmas automatically generate “enticing sanna” with their “jhanic thoughts.” Their existence arose due to the cultivation of jhana as humans.