Reply To: How the Meanings Got Lost and How to Interpret


I see. Yes. That is a good point.

  • However, we don’t understand how nature works in many situations.
  • When Arahant Mahinda revived Buddha Dhamma in Sri Lanka, he wrote numerous “Sinhala Atthakatha” which are Commentaries (like Buddhaghosa’s Visuddhimagga or even this website). However, all those disappeared during the “dark period” that probably started before Buddhaghosa came to Sri Lanka to write Visudhimagga. Even though the Tipitaka (or a significant portion of the Tipitaka) survived, those Sinhala Atthakatha completely disappeared. I have discussed some of it in “Incorrect Theravada Interpretations – Historical Timeline.”
  • We do not know how the teachings will (i) go underground (like in the above case) for a while or (ii) disappear entirely at the end of Buddha Gotama’s Buddha Sasana. This website or similar “Commentaries” will have no trace left in one of those two cases. 
  • Many civilizations seem to have disappeared due to natural events such as floods, a comet strike, etc. Scientists believe such a comet impact destroyed most of life on Earth about 60 million years ago when the dinosaurs were also wiped out. The last such “cataclysmic event” seems to have happened about 12,000 years ago: “Younger Dryas impact hypothesis.” This event may not have been as bad as the one that wiped out the dinosaurs.
  • There is much evidence that there was an advanced civilization worldwide before that which built pyramids (not only in Egypt but in many parts of the world) and many other sophisticated structures that have survived. I discussed some of it in “Back to Builders of the Ancient Mysteries (BAM) – Full Movie, Documentary.
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