I think the critical issue is in the following statement:
“1) Buddha’s intention was to deliver everything one needs to attain Nibbana to anyone. He would not teach the higher teaching to people who were not ready for them – it’d be a loss of time for both parties. Yet, Buddha declared that he shared with the Sangha all that he knew relevant to getting to the further shore. So, the Sangha got the full teachings, the texts, the keys to interpret the texts, and their meanings.”
The “the keys to interpret the texts” are in the Tipitaka. However, those “keys” are not apparent to anyone else but Ariyas.
- Once the last Sotapanna on Earth dies, that is the end of the current Buddha Sasana. All the books of the Tipitaka will still be there, but there will be no one who can use the “keys” to explain the key concepts.
- A good example is the current situation. Many deep concepts have been hidden for hundreds of years until Waharaka Thero (a “jati Sotapanna“) uncovered many such “keys.” He clarified many critical issues. Even now, most English texts have “Anapanasati” as “breath meditation” and “anicca” restricted to “impermanence.”
Most of the other questions raised can be explained based on the above issue.
For example, the following comment “I do not understand how was not possible to preserve the patiniddesa. It is not like Buddha partake in developing an extense philosophy. .” does not make sense.
- What the Buddha taught was deeper than any philosophy. It is a “previously unknown worldview” that no mundane philosopher can come up with.
- Please read carefully today’s post, “Four Conditions for Attaining Sōtapanna Magga/Phala.” I tried to explain this point there.
Another statement of skywander: “I do not understand how was not possible to preserve the patiniddesa.”
- It is the same point as above. There are suttas with the patiniddesa explanations. However, that is not apparent to anyone without getting to Samma Ditthi (i.e., at least reaching the Sotapanna stage.)
- P.S. For example, if one starts with the wrong idea that “Anapanasati” is “breath meditation” then no matter how many suttas they read, they will NEVER make any progress. That is obvious because essentially all translators of suttas into English are still doing that. They have not understood the fundamentals! Many of them have translated suttas with niddesa and patiniddesa and have not been able to unlock the “keys” mentioned above.
I don’t know whether there are questions under:
## all-day meditation”
However, meditation is NOT restricted to “formal meditation,” where one sits in one place and contemplates Dhamma concepts. That is one way and is essential. There is no way that one can engage in akusala during that time. Furthermore, it will help cultivate wisdom (panna), break samyojana, and reach magga phala.
- However, one should also be engaged in meditation all day while doing routine day-to-day activities. That means being mindful of whether one is engaging in akusala kamma. That is one meaning of “Anapanasati.” It is to be noted that there are many levels of akusala kamma. Some, like “killing and stealing,” are easy to catch.
- Even engaging in “excessive sense pleasures” is a lower level of akusala kamma. That may not lead to rebirth in the apayas (when done at lower levels) but will certainly keep one bound to kama loka. These subtle points will become apparent as one cultivates the path.
P.S. I see that Tobi has made some good comments.